068. Hit or Miss: Fly by GOT7 Review

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March 22, 2016

Dear Diary,

Bitch you guessed it!

This is my first ever review for a song. Specifically a comeback song for a boy group that I still have trouble memorizing their names with their faces. Yeah yeah, I know... I should know them by now, but at the very least, I know their names... and I can prove it to you, by not searching them up because that would be cheating.


So take my word for it, that I'm not googling their names.

Okay so there's:


Huh? Yeahhhhh that's right

I got em all right!

... I just... you know... can't really tell apart JB from Junior right now... I'M SORRY

But anyways, this is a review of Fly


I gotta say, it's one of those songs that you're kinda iffy about at first. It has a really unique sound, I'll give them that. They played a really risky play with this song, and honestly... I kinda wasn't too fond of it at first. I felt like I really wanted to like it... but it felt sort of lacking. The hook/chorus is damn catchy, I'll give them that, but the verses kinda felt off key and too low for my liking. Idk the low voice registration threw me off quite a bit. Jackson's part was okay... the pre-chorus sounded a bit like a mess... I felt like the vocal line was singing way too low (if they were even a part of the song, minus the chorus).

Overall, however... the song grew on me the more times I listened to it. You just have to keep an optimistic mind when listening to this song, and I gotta say that it's low key fire. The choreo looks okay I guess... but it's not as eye-catching as Just Right (to make things clear, I know that these two songs are completely different in concept. I'm talking about the eye candy of the choreo. Bascially 'what would make this song stand out and be different than everything else).

It's a good song, and it's a really interesting change the Got7 boys are taking, but for some reason, I personally don't see them singing this particular song. Like I feel proud that they're taking a step in a different direction, but I don't know. I guess I just have to get used to change, which can either be a good or bad thing.

I was Got7 with the best of luck, and I can't wait to see what's next.

(P.s the outfits tho, I think they were a bit of a turn off for me. The blue jackets were okay, I mean I would personally want one of those... but orange. ORANGE? YOU COULD'VE CHOSEN ANY OTHER COLOR, BUT THE STYLISTS HAD TO CHOOSE THE CRINGIEST, BOLD, AND EMBARRASSING COLOR OF ORANGE FOR THE MUSIC VIDEO. UGH I'M SO DISAPPOINTED ON SO MANY LEVELS)

~xx Mari

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