031. Do's and Don't's at ANY concert.

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February 13, 2016

Dear Diary,

In honor of my 5th concert tomorrow, I'm going to go into full detail about the absolute Do's and Don't's at ANY concert.

Enjoy :)


•Don't bring a heavy jacket.

Unless your concert is being held outside in dressing cold weather, don't bring a heavy jacket. It's hot inside any venue especially with so many people in the same exact room. The body heat is just going to radiate off of everyone, and you could seriously pass out from overheating (and fangirling) if you wear one. You shouldn't even bother bringing one either. How annoying would it be, to have to carrying it around during the entire show?

•Bring a big ass sign.

This one should be common sense, but some dense people can't seem to think of anyone else but themselves and their sunshines, biases, oppas, noonas, 'favorite band', whatever you call them. So here's what they do. They bring a giant ass poster that is literally the size of a car and wave it in front of everyone behind them's faces. I don't know why, but sometimes, I see those dumbasses standing in the pit, or front row or something, like bruh. Seriously.
Get that rude ass piece of cardboard outta my face before I personally eat it and shit it all over your face.

•Be that one bitch who screams like a banshee

Now, props to you, if you have vocal chords blessed with great and utter loudness. But... there are a lot of people who don't have that gift. Seriously, good for you if you can scream so loud that the penguins in Antarctica can hear you, but just keep in mind, that not everyone wants to hear you. There is always that one bitch who manages, like I don't even know how, to scream so loud over like 2,00 other people. Like, what the actual fuck. Now let me get this straight. Like I just said, I don't mean to put anybody down, but I you will get a lot of shit from me, and a whole lotta other people if you don't lower that spice of yours.

•Throw shit at the performers

Yes, we all want them to notice us, as an individual... but you don't need to throw shit, as in weird shit at them. Okay, bras are funny as hell. Hats, or hair bands are funny too. But your fucking phone? Oh no. That's just plain stupid, and lame. Seriously. Don't go so low as to throw a phone, or a camera at the performers. See, it's a different story, however, if they just grab your phone or camera and give it back to you, but that's not what I'm talking about. Please, don't throw something that can seriously damage... like anything.

•Wear another band/artist's shirt

Now, there are quite a handful of exceptions to this rule. This is just, a respect kinda thing. I mean, you are free to wear anything you want as long as it's actually appropriate as in no ass or boobs hanging out.
Now, going into the exceptions:
*includes The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Metallica, etc.
Another exception, is if it's like a jacket. Jackets are meant to keep you warm, but like I said. It's gonna be hella hot, so why bring a jacket? See? Everything's getting all interconnected!
Now that the exceptions are out of the way, let's just talk about this don't.
Like, at a K-Pop concert, you couldn't find anything else to wear but that One Direction shirt? Like what? Isn't it kinda rude to be wearing some other band's shirt at another band's concert? There's nothing wrong reppin your favorite band, but there's a time and place for everything but not right now. Seriously, either wear their merch, or just wear a cute outfit. Don't go disrespecting them. It's the logical thing to do.


•Bring a snack to eat.

Chances are, you'll be waiting in line for a really long time, so you'll most likely will be wind up hungry. Bring some snacks along like chips, granola bars, hell, I'm literally bring milk in a thermos and a bag of cereal and eating it in line. Bring water bottles too. You're really going to need it. You have to eat!

•(for females) wear a pad, not a tampon

Yup. Dead serious here. Even if it's not that time of the month, there will be tons and tons and tons of people going to the restroom. You'll want something to catch some of that leakage. You should also bring a couple extra pads, just incase! You never know! Seriously, even when I'm not on my period, if I have to go to a far away place for some time, I always wear a pad. It's so convenient. Trust.

•Bring toilet paper.


You'll never know, really.

•Bring a portable charger or mophie phone case

In most concerts, staff will allow you to take pictures. Most people nowadays tend to use their phones to film videos. Portable chargers or mophies will safe your life... well your phone life.

•Have fun

The most important part of seeing someone you idolize or love perform at a show, is to have fun. You don't need to be screeching or be noticed to have fun. Be respectful, and be aware of other people's feelings. Everyone's there for the exact same reason as you. You should have fun, enjoy, maybe even make a couple new friends.

Seriously, have fun and enjoy :)

~xx Mari

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