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March 30, 2016

Dear Diary,

It's so beautiful.

So damn beautiful.

I'm like about to cry at how amazing these graphics are.

Seriously like that cover of Stand By Me though?

Ugh so beautiful.

I have to say, this is looking to be a very interesting take on Final Fantasy. As much as I love... you know the "fantasy" part, I really like the modern spin on it. By modern, I mean very modern. Like 1980s-today modern. It's that interesting. It's like this dream crossover between Reality and Real life and kaoakxbxdkssjksoajxkxnwskkx it would be such a great World for Controller.

Ugh, I really can't wait to watch someone play the game.

Mainly because PS4s are expensive.

And the game's like $60 on top of that.





But I'll support it any way I can.

Just please Square.

Square Enix.

Please don't fuck up with this one.

Please don't I beg of you.

I think that this is the most hyped up game of this decade really.

How many years has this been in progress? 14?

Gosh, I really hope this is better than it looks.



~xx Mari

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