043. I Think It's Happening Again

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February 21, 2016

Dear Diary,


BTS are like my happy pills.

While EXO are my loves.

In a way...


EXO are kinda like my One Direction...

And BTS are kinda like my R5...

They're quite similar... in ways that you would've had to be a huge and dedicated fan of all of them (at least at some point) to truly understand what I mean.

I wonder...

If history is doomed to repeat itself?

But maybe not...

Since I did manage to do one thing as an EXO-L that I didn't do as a Directioner...

That was go to one of their concerts.


How will I ever go to a BTS concert?

I'm sure that the tickets for them could skyrocket, now that they're just about more than twice as popular as they were before last year. I'm almost sure Dope is the reason why, because of it's viral-like aesthetic.

Oh well, I find myself listening to both groups' songs.

It still surprises me, how catchy their songs are.

To those people who say, "But you can't understand a word they say."

Well... there sure are a lot of foreign people who listen to people like Justin Bieber or most American YouTubers even, and I betcha most of them can hardly understand a word they say. But they still watch and-or listen to them.

Oh, and there's also something called English subtitles -_-

Seriously though, my cousins say, "You can't understand what they're saying, why even listen." And it pisses me off.

But not because they're all about 'Merica,

Oh no

No no no...

They're almost weeaboo status by this point of watching anime and reading mangas this long.

So, they should know better than most people what it's like to read subtitles...

But "apparently" it's "different."

Yeah, different, my ass.

And another thing

Sometimes, it's so hard being a girl in a mostly guy family.

A straight guy family to be exact.

It's so frustrating how I can't fangirl with anybody about boys and shit and other things. I sometimes feel outnumbered... but they're family.

Of course I can't hold that against them.

But... still.

I guess that's what the Internet is for!




I'm gonna leave y'all with a song that never fails to make me smile like an idiot whenever I hear it.

Boyz With Fun/Fun Boyz-Bangtan Sonyeondan (BTS)

~xx Mars

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