019. Niiiiiiiice + Fates (finally!)

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February 6, 2016

Dear Diary,

Hey, a day late again, sorry!

Anyways, yesterday...

Oh yesterday.

He talked to me again.

Like on multiple occasions.

And we had this moment where we like related to each other because our two friends were fangirling about make-up and both of us were mocking the way they said niiiiiiicce whenever they talked about a color or product. Ahahsjsiossnsnnsnxnxoskebesbbs my poor kokoro is breaking

God I am such a sap.

And lame.

Very lame.

Sadly, he didn't sell any Nutella Cinnamon muffins, like he said he would, but he said for sure on Monday.


In other news, I just pre-ordered Fire Emblem Fates... all of the games. I'm just so damn excited like, you don't even know. I spent good Christmas money on that shit, and the exo concert ticket, so both (ahem all four) better be worth it!

Today's song will be Kookie's cover of Paper Hearts by Tori Kelly.

Like I love Tori. I love her voice. I'm not a huge fan, but I've seen her around the YouTubes :P

But then I found out that kookie covered one of her songs (along with Fools by Troye with Rap Mon and my heart literally dropped again) and I kinda got the feels. Like the feels feels.

~xx Mari
Don't forget to sm:)e

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