052. I would like to thank...

8 0 0

Written on February 29, 2016

Dear Diary,

It was really really foggy this morning. When we were driving over the bridge, I could see nothing but a thick fog. It was kinda creepy, but that's what made it so cool. For a couple seconds, I felt like I was in a Nancy Drew movie or something.

Anyways, I was pretty busy yesterday, so I totally forgot to write an entry. My cousin visited on Saturday, my family and I went out to eat yesterday, and once I got home, I had type out (and procrastinate on doing) my essay, which I managed to finish btw *round of applause*. On top of that, there were the Oscars yesterday.

Now I don't really watch movies.

Yeah, I know.

I just, don't really like movies.


Anyways, though I don't like movies, I still watched the show. They heavily addressed the whole 'why isn't there any "colored" actors nominated' this year. Ya know, Chris Rock made it funny as shit, but honestly. There's already so many black people (or African Americans... idk which to use anymore tbh) in the American acting business, if you really think about it.

Now I'm just saying...

I've have yet to see more than 5 non-stereotypical roles for an Asian in movies. I think Asian Americans are getting a ton more roles, too, especially on T.V (like Arden Cho is amazing, even though I don't watch Teen Wolf... or anything)


Written on March 2, 2016

Alright, so hehe I can explain.

Basically I was experiencing far-sighted vision for the first time, as I dilated my eyes for the first time. So I basically, couldn't read ANYTHING. It was so frustrating trying to check my phone. I couldn't read shit, or see shit on my phone, so all I did yesterday, after the eye doctor, was sleep.

Yesterday, my earphones also broke, which really sucks too. Now, I can't fully listen to music... ugh.

Oh well... hopefully today's gonna be better...


Okay, so now I'm home from school, I took a well deserved nap, and here I am, to give you a nice update on just what happened at school.

I'll be honest, it was a pretty good day.

I didn't have to do P.E. because I had to go to an assembly (which was honestly super pointless), so yay! No volleyball for me! (I have a strong PASSION for UTTERLY LOATHING volleyball... because I suck dong at it. Yup. Really bad. Very very very bad)

I completed my Algebra 2 hw in class... which leads me to talking to him multiple times hehe

...also the fact that my seat partner called him a squirrel... because... his eyes were big...


Then she proceeded to call herself a whale because her eyes were small (ya know, being a fellow Asian and whatnot), then actually questioned if whales actually had eyes...

Let's say that we almost cried laughing from her.

Or at least I did.


Written on March 5, 2016

Dear Diary,

Oops. Hehe

So... how've ya been lately?


Ah, yes yes. I see, I see.

So um... well

I've been doing well.

I've been catching up on a lot of sleep.

Played some Birthright...

But yeah...

Now if you'll excuse me...

I'll see you in the next entry.

Where I'll explain everything.

In detail.



I'll end this off now because it's already been an awkward entry

~xx Mari

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