028. Miserable

14 0 0

February 12, 2016

Dear Diary,


I still feel like shit.

Like honestly, I really shouldn't feel so used to being sick.

But I am.

And it sucks.

It's hard to think straight sometimes.

Whenever I cough, I sound like I'm literally about to die.

All I really want to do is sleep, but there's something called 'school.'

Honestly, my whole life right now, is just bleh.

Pretty much the whole atmosphere in school, everywhere I go, even at home, everything's just sad and depressing.

It's hard to laugh, because it hurts my throat.

It feels like there's always a cork plugged into either one of my nostrils at a time.

Why does this bullshit always happen to me?

Why can't I just... just be genuinely healthy for something important?

It's gonna be really hard to make me feel better at the moment.

All I really wish for, is to be completely free of sickness before Sunday.

That's where all my hope is going to.

I need to be okay.

And it's scary to think that I've been coughing for this long.


I'm literally in 2nd period right now.

I gotta go.

~xx Mari

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