"Dad, I want to go back inside now." She informed her father which was the one pushing her wheel chair. "Okay then." He smiled and the three of them went back inside the hospital.

Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw what was on the table beside the hospital bed she was lying down on.

Flowers, beautiful ones.

She grabbed the two bouquets and looked at the gift cards.

'Hope you get better soon...'

'Wishing you aren't that hurt, we wouldn't want to see you in pain.'
There was nothing written on who it came from but she was moved by the tiny messages on both bouquets.

"Do you know who these are from?" She asked her parents, raising the two bouquets on her hand.

"They didn't place it there?" Her mother blinked, confused, as well as her father. "No." She shook her head.

"That's strange." Her mom furrowed her eyebrows.

She shrugged and looked at the white flowers. White flowers...

"Ne, ne, Mei-chan! Look at this!" A little boy held up a white flower.

"Waah! Sugoi!!" She took it from his hands and looked at it, eyes gleaming.

"They have plenty of it here!"

"Oh! That's incredible-"

Her head throbbed in pain again and she directly placed the flowers down and directly rubbed her temples to ease her mind.

Who was that? The flashback she had wasn't vivid and it was mostly blurry, only those brown eyes were visible.

There are too many people with brown eyes. She sighed.

"Dear, we'll be leaving now, me and your father have a business meeting to attend in an hour or so. Are you okay on your own?"

"Yes, I think I can manage." She waved towards her parents parting figures, with a small smile on her face.

I'm all alone again. She sighed and eased herself on the hospital bed.

A few minuted passed and her door opened, a young woman with brown hair and soft brown eyes looked towards her with a smile on her face.

"Mei-chan, are you alright?" The young woman came up near her and pressed her hand on Mei's stomach, making her hiss in pain. "My burn is there." She informed the lady, who pulled away and had guilt rushing through her eyes. "Sumimasen!" She bowed down.


"Asano, Haruka, your maid... Well, before." The lady explained.

"You were the one who saved me..." Mei muttered. "I guess you could say that." Haruka laughed awkwardly, scratching her cheeks.

"Ne, ne, Haru-chan!" She called out to the young woman who just started working for them.

"What is it, Mei-tan?" Haru smiled warmly.

"Look at this!" Young Mei held out a white flower.

"Wooaah!! Sugoi!!" Haru cheered. She softly took the flower from her tiny hands and placed it near her ear.

"There! Now you look pretty!"

"But Haru-chan is prettier!" Mei exclaimed, raising her fist in the air.

"Arigatou! Where did you get that flower, Mei-tan?" Haru asked out of the blue.

"It's was from-"

Her flashback ended. She frowned at this.

Why couldn't she remember?

All she remembered was a pair of gleaming brown eyes.

"What's the matter, Mei-tan?" The maid asked, worried about Mei's sudden silence.

"It's just that... I'm thankful, to have you save me. You had a burn because of me." She looked at her maid's eyes with grief and regret.

"A maid's task is to prioritize their master." Haru patted her back reassuringly, "It's okay."

"You should get an award for that." Mei laughed. "Really?" Haru grinned. "Really." Mei smiled.

"How's your burn, Haru-chan?"

"It's definitely healing faster!" Haru grinned. "What about yours? I heard you injured your leg as well."

"Yes, for now I'm going to be sitting on a wheel chair, but maybe a week or so my feet will completely heal." Mei reassured Haru. "How long did we stay in this hospital?"

"You stayed here for two months. I only stayed for about three weeks so I wouldn't be a bother to your...erm- parents." Haru informed. "Ah, well. You're not exactly a bother." The sixteen year old laughed. "I'm glad to hear that."

"Anyways, these flowers look amazing! Who sent them?" Haru took one of the bouquets and looked at the white flowers tied in a bunch. "They didn't write who they were."

"Oh~ an admirer?"

"Maybe it was supposed to be sent to the next room." She shrugged.

"Haru..." She looked towards Haru's brown eyes. "Hai?" Haru tilted her head to the side. "What happened? That fire..."

"It's a long story, Mei. Let's just prioritize your health first."

Strange, my so called "parents" said the same thing... She narrowed her eyes.

What actually happened?

"Have you regained a bit of memory, Mei-tan?"

"Just a few flashbacks when I was still a kid."

"Oh! We used to play together didn't we?" Haru smiled at the thought. "Yes, but my memories aren't vivid yet though." She sighed, placing her hand over her eyes.

"I'll just let time do the work."





I JUST WATCHED Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou AGAIN AND GAAAHHH






This ones dedicated tooo, the one who inspired me to write this¡! Its!!!!! Himitsudesu SHES A V V V V V V GREAT WRITER LIEK I CANNOT LIKE OMG YES PERI, U ARE CUTE AND ADORABLE, AND A GREAT WRITER WHO INSPIRED ME TO MAKE THISSSS


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