Chapter 25: Crash

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Clarke POV:

From hearing the words. "She's dating Finn." I tried to show Octavia that i didn't care and I just smiled.
I kinda cared.
How could she do this to me. No wait how could she do this to herself.
He cheated on me with Monroe and always makes out with girl behind his girlfriends backs.

After waiting for Bellamy to come back I talk to Octavia and I completely forget about Raven and Finn. The door opens and Bellamy walks in, sweaty and tired.

Clarke:"Well you look like a mess."

Bellamy:"Your still here. Kinda suprised that you did stay."

Clarke:"Is that a bad thing?"

Bellamy:"Neh, just surprising. Most girls leave."

I stand there with my arms crossed.

Bellamy:"I didn't mean it like that. Just means you weren't here just for ya know."

Octavia:"Yeah, No I'm not staying here if you to are doing this. Peace out."

I laugh and bellamy smirks.

Clarke:"Oh yeah so bellamy, Octavia invited us and couple people to go to the mall later today. Wanna go?"

Bellamy:"Uh yeah sure. Don't you need to go home quickly though?"

Clarke:"Yeah I'll just pop to my house and my mother can drive me to the mall and I'll meet you guys then."

He nods and grabs my hands.

Bellamy:"I'm being honest. I'm happy you stayed."

I smile at him.

Bellamy:"Well I need to get changed cause I'm sweating so I'll be back."

I nod and he runs upstairs. I walk into the room Octavia is in and she's siting on her couch looking at her phone.

Clarke:"Bellamy is okay with going to the mall. I'll be going to my house and my mother will drive me."

Octavia:"Okay more room for raven and finn."

I look at her with devil eyes.

Octavia:"They are still our friends. Even if they arn't yours, there mine."

Clarke:"I know. I'm fine with it, is Maria coming?"

Octavia:"Shit, I was suppose to call her this morning, yes she's coming. I'll be back I'm just gonna call her."


She walks out the room and I sit on the couch and look at my phone. Bellamy walks down the stairs in a white vest,blue jeans and a jean jacket. He smirks at me and jumps onto the couch beside me. I stare at him and I play with my fingers.

Bellamy:"You okay. Your worried."

Clarke:"I'm fine."

Bellamy:"When you say your fine that means your not fine. When you play with you fingers, that means your worried."

Clarke:"How did you know that."

Bellamy:"I've been watching ya. Not sounding creepy but when your sad you don't move. When your mad you tap your fingers. You curl you hair when you talk to the guy you like..."

Clarke:"Ohhh... Right."

We stare at eachother and then start laughing.

Octavia:"You two are weird."

We look up and see Octavia leaning against the wall shaking her head.

Bellamy:"Well, thank you little sis. We better drop clarke off at her house and then drive to the mall and wait for her."

Octavia:"Yup. Bell, your driving."

Bellamy:"I can't..."

Octavia:"No excuses, come on."

Bellamy opens the door and Finn and Raven where standing there. Octavia looks at me and I gulp and breath.

Finn:"Hey bell and Oct...Clarke...Hey."

Raven:"Clarkes there. Oh my god."

She storms at me and she trys to hug me before I push her away.

Raven:"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."

I roll my eyes.

Clarke:"Let's go."

I grab my phone and bag. I leave there house and we all get in Bellamys truck. We drive to Marias house and she sits at the back with me,Finn and Raven. After 10 minutes of driving, a car beeps behind us. I look to see a group of guys.

Bellamy:"Sh*t it's the the grounder gang."


Octavia:"The grounder gang, our schools worse enemy. They hate Bellamy."

The truck gets hit by the car and bellamy keeps driving but speeds up

Clarke:"Bellamy just stop. Please."

Bellamy:"It's fine."

Clarke:"No please stop. I dont like this."

Suddenly we get hit hard and the truck turns and tumbles over. We tumble down a small hill and everything goes black.

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