Chapter 24: Morning

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Clarke POV:

I open my eyes and I look around. I think 'Where am I?' And I look beside me and see that I'm in Bellamys arms and he's still sleeping.
I check the time on the clock next to his bed and it's 10:27am. It's a Saturday so no school, which is great.
I put my head back onto his shoulder and cuddle with him more.

Bellamy:"Morning Princess"

He says with his eyes closed and has a little smirk on his face.

Clarke:"Morning Bellamy"

Bellamy:"What time is it?"


Bellamy:"Okay. Sh*t, Octavia said she would be back at 10:30"

I look up and then look at the door. Octavia walks in and sees me with Bellamy. Her mouth drops and gasps.

Clarke:"Hey O."


Bellamy:"Your not mad are you?"

Octavia:"No, kinda happy actually, you two finally hiting it off and I'm gonna leave cause your both kinda naked so you to...Okay yeah no,I'm out."

She covers her eyes and closes the door. We both laugh and bellamy gets up.

Clarke:"Can't we just stay in bed all day."

I say while flopping onto Bellamys bed.

Bellamy:"I would love to but I forgot I have soccer training today. I'm sorry."

He puts a shirt on,pants and brushes his hair. He grabs his soccer bag and comes towards me.

Bellamy:"I'll be back in an hour or so, so if you wanna stay here and wait. Stay. If not, then you can leave okay."

I nod and he kisses me on the lips and rushes out of the room. I get up and put my bra, shirt and shorts on. I walk downstairs and I see Octavia in the kitchen making coffee. I walk in wiping my eyes.

Octavia:"Hey Clarke. Want a coffee?"

I nod and I stare at Octavia.

Clarke:"Yesterday, when I said nobody cares about me, it was everyone else not you. Everyone else didnt care about me before and they were calling me a slut and everything."

Octavia walks up to me and grabs my hands.

Octavia:"I know. I knew you weren't saying that to me. Monroe is a b*tch and I hope she gets what she deserves soon enough."

I nod and Octavia passes me my coffee.

Octavia:"So Lincoln and I are going to the mall later and maybe you and Bellamy wanna come?"

Clarke:"Yeah sure. Gotta ask Bell when he gets back though."

She nods and we sit there talking and drinking our coffee. My phone rings.

Clarke:"It's Raven."

Octavia:"I'll take it."

Clarke:"Thank you"

Octavia takes my phone and answers it.

Octavia POV:

Octavia:"Yes, Octavia speaking."

Raven:"Octavia, where's clarke"

Octavia:"She's in bed. She came round my house over night. Can I leave a message?"

Raven:"Just tell her I'm sorry, I love her and...this is gonna be a awful thing to say at this moment but Im dating Finn."

Octavia:"Your what?"

Raven:"I'll talk to you about it another time. Just tell Clarke what I said."

I hang up and place clarkes phone on the table. She looks at me waiting for me to talk.


Octavia:"She said she's sorry and she loves you and..."

Clarke:"And what?"

Octavia:"She' Finn."

Clarke looks at me and then picks her coffee up from the table and drinks it.

Octavia:"Your not mad?"

Clarke:"I don't care. I dont love finn so I'm happy for her."

She smiles but i know thats a fake smile. I look at my coffee and drink some more.
'This is going to be an awful week' I thought.

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