Chapter 15:Explaining.

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Clarkes POV:

Maria:"Was this a bad time?"

I run up to Maria and hug her.

She hugs me back and I turn to Octavia and Bellamy.

Clarke:"This is Octavia."

Maria:"Oh Octavia Blake hey."

Octavia waves and smiles.

Clarke:"And this is...Bellamy"

She looks at me and looks at Bellamy.

Maria:"The bellamy blake, she's told me alot about you..."

He looks over at me and puts a confused face on.

Clarke:"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?"

Maria:"I wanted to surprise you, I knew I was moving here last week but I didn't wanna ruin the surprise."

Clarke:"I'm so happy your here.You need to meet all my other friends soon."

Maria:"Well I am coming to this school tomorrow."

Clarke:"What classes"

Maria:"I have Science,Art,Math and then Language."

Clarke:" You are art and math with me and bellamy."

Bellamy: "And you have Science with me too."

She nods and smiles.

Bellamy:"So Clarke, are we gonna have this talk?"

I look at Maria and she nods.

Octavia:"Hey Maria come over here, I wanna get to know you."

She nods and they both walk the opposite way.

Bellamy and I walk to his truck and stand in front of it.

Bellamy:"Okay...I don't want you to be mad at me anymore and I don't want to be mad at you. But it's just hard to know that your dating Finn."

Clarke:"I'm sorry, I didn't tell you sooner, he asked me and I said yes.I like him."

Bellamy:"But do you love him?"

I look at him and then took at the ground.

Clarke:"I don't know..."

We stand there for 5 Minutes in silence.

Bellamy:"So do you forgive me?"

Clarke:"Yes, I forgive you."

We hug tightly and hug for a while until Someone calls out behind me.I turn.

Clarke:"Oh finn."

Finn:"Hey, what's going on here"

Clarke:" We're friends again. So we hugged it out"

Finn:"Oh right."

He comes up to me,Holds my hand and kisses me. I stop him.

Clarke:"I want you to meet someone. HEY MARIA"

Maria walks over


Clarke:"This is finn, my boyfriend"

She looks at him and he waves.

Maria:"Your Finn, well nice to meet you,I'm Maria"

I look back at Bellamy and he's looking at the ground.

Clarke:"Well I think we should all go home now yes?"

Maria:"Yeah my mom's been waiting for a while. I'll see ya later"

Finn:"My mother is waiting to, I'll see you tomorrow babe."
He kisses my forehead and leaves.

Octavia:"Well Lincoln just texted me and we are going out so I'll see you two later."

She turns and leaves.

Clarke:"Could you give me a ride, if that's okay"

He nods and we both enter his truck.

He backs up and starts driving. We arrive and he walks me to my front door.

Clarke:"Thanks for driving me, I know that talk wasn't the longest talk but..."

Bellamy:" Its cool, We are friends again so it's cool."

Clarke:"See ya bell"

Bellamy:" Goodbye Princess"
He smirks and walks to his Truck.

I enter my house and see my mothers home.

Clarke:"Hey mom"

She lifts her head,she's been crying.

Abby:"Clarke, I have some bad news"

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