"Allahu Akbar......"

The melodious Adhaan for Asr filled our ears as the Imam recited. I didn't complete my sentence and we all stood there. Mins later it was over.

I'm sorry that was uncomfortable right?

I didn't know if that was an apology or a question.

Let me go  pray he muttered aplogethicly  as he walked towards the Masjid Haram.

Villager of the 21st century 😬😬

"I knooowww😣😥 " I cupped my palms to my face.

Later at night I couldn't sleep as I kept feeling bad. No he wasn't making me uncomfortable. I just don't know. 

The next day I walked to Bin Dawood. Yes I went to find him. But pretended I needed something.  I found him in his usual spot. His face still held that smile. I walked to the counter and payed off for my English cake (I didn't finish the one I got the other day).
I gave him the "can we talk" look and he raised his eyebrows. Oh this is embarrassing. Does he want me to beg him. He smiled and held the door as I walked out.

"About yesterday. I'm sorry. You don't make me uncomfortable but I don't like that you're stalking me."

He let out a little laugh.

I thought you were stalking me.
I come here to check football headlines because the TV in my room got disconnected because Daddy feels we're here for Ibada and not for TV. And then you walk in pretending to be interested in cake" He smirked

My face was red with what seems to be umhh not anger maybe embarrassment.

"I wasn't stalking" you I protested.
I went on explaining how I was late for lunch and the buffet was over and he just stood there looking amused.

"Okay Amrah I agree but I kinda wished you were stalking me.
I come here everyday hoping you would show up.
I couldn't come to the hotel because your brothers seem like the ones to beat someone up for staring at their sister."

I blushed.

hat's he implying.

I was enjoying talking to him when I realised we have passed the hotel tower and were strolling to the end of the Haram.

"Umhh I need to go bck home, I mean the hotel."

"Ohh" he facepalmed himself.

"See what she does to me"

Then like a bee stung'd fella he grinned. I guess he said that out loud.

We walked silently back until we could see the entrance of the tower.

Can I see you later?


Ohh shoot

Because I just want to see you.


Can I call you ?

I don't have a phone. Left it at home. When I was dragged here 😒 .

*Chuckles* okay I'd see you later then.

Say hi to baby Ikram .

You should come and see her

I will.




"Abayas makes you look and  feel so Regal even if you're wearing Pajamas and if that's not Allah's gift to womankind then I don't know what it is"
😄 😄 😄

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