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Waiting for the boarding to start, I took my ipad and browsed through uninteresting stuffs.

I looked over to Ya Hajara trying to control her kid who was crying because the security waved the metal detector when he passed and it didn't beeped like the others. I could see her pointing at me meaning
"go to uncle Habeeb".
Yes my browsing  got interrupted as 5 minions trooped over me snatching away my ipad to take turns in playing games.

I gently pulled myself from the kids and instructed one of the house helps we were travelling with to sit with them.

I needed a quite place to sit and wait and of course continue browsing  from my phone.

Yes an empty corner
I cheered and approached two seats that were looking at the vast terminal lined up with different sizes of planes. The view was breathtaking.

Halfway a gentle figure approached the corner and sat down.

"That was my seat"
I scowled.
"I claimed it first"
I continued.

"Well she sat down first"
my mind replied to my thoughts.

I stood there looking. She sat down with such grace and then head on the wall and still.

In my mind: "she's quite, let me just move over and sit down I just want a quite place to sit and browse. I know she'd be quite."

I moved closer and I could the movement of her body. She was sobbing gently.

How could a girl be lonely in a busy  terminal? & crying...?
"She might be crying over a boy"
Or maybe she's lost.
Wait who gets lost in a terminal..

"You don't want to do this Habeeb just move away."

The voice on the speaker announced the start of boarding.
I turned around to catch a glimpse of my family as the lady by the corner brushed passed me.

Even though she walked with such grace I noticed she was wearing pyjamas and bathroom slippers.

"Girls of nowadays" I said to myself.
"Is this the new fashion trend?"
She has to be one of these Airport cleaners. If not who else travels with Pyjamas and Hijab.

I watched as she approached the entourage of what seemed to be a royal family with 5 men wearing turbans and babban riga (large traditional male dress) to match.

"Lady by the corner must be the Royal Maid"

She approached them as they parted and made way for her as she reached the person they were protecting. I recognised him as "Wazirin Hausa" the former Minister of Agriculture.....

"Uncle Habeeb Hajia is calling you" interrupted Hasina the oldest of the minions dismissing my thoughts of the Lady by the corner AKA The Royal Maid...

The Flight To Jeddah [#ProjectNigeria] COMPLETED ✔Where stories live. Discover now