Chapter 8 - Friends

Start from the beginning

Alex and I were put together, not surprising anyone. Christen got paired with Whitney, probably because there wasn't a single person on this team that didn't adore her and Jill just gave up trying to find someone she 'needed building' with. Christen is just one of those people I guess, gets along with anyone.

Everyone went to stand next to their 'partner', Alex giving me a little smile then a look straight ahead. I was a little nervous, I can't deny that, but I had to force myself not to be.

"Okay, so we're gonna do some activities here today. Obviously I know how you all like to compete, so we're gonna make this interesting. There will be a competition, winning team based on how well you work together. We have some judges around the room, so be aware.
I'm gonna go ahead and spoil the price so everyone gets what's on stake. The two winners will be in charge of tomorrow's practice. The whole day you get to torture your teammates, while you can sit and watch."
Jill had gone all in. Everyone cheered and got super expected, already knowing tomorrow would be fun as well. Or painful, depending on the outcome.


"No wait, let me try this." Alex had been watching me struggle for a while, now suddenly jumping in. I stepped aside, but not really being able to move all that much.
Jill's excellent idea had been that we all should be tied together by a rope with out partner. I looked around to see no one else being done with their puzzle either.
"I think I'm onto something." Alex said excited, turning for me to check it out. Believe it or not, she was being very nice. We had been working on a couple activities first just for fun as Jill explained it, and Alex and I had done well. We hadn't been fighting, and actually managing to work together to some extent. "That's good." I said as I leaned in, seeing a pattern now myself. I moved a couple pieces, feeling confident.

"Done!" JJ yelled loud, doing a high five with her partner, Meghan.
Everyone looked more stressed by the second, the competitive side of this team burning. I leaned down to help Alex again, seeing she had taken a pause. I looked at the one she was holding, then shot down to move a similar one. We both glowed with excitement when she was able to put the last piece down and it made a whole puzzle.
"Yes!" Alex yelled, automatically opening her arms for a hug. I jumped into them without thinking. After the rush of excitement had passed seconds later, I quickly pulled away. I felt slightly uncomfortable, but seeing as she only gave me a smile in return I didn't panic. It shouldn't feel so weird, we've done that about a billion times and maybe that's exactly why it does feel weird now. Because it's different now, the hug doesn't feel the same. Her hugs used to make me feel safe, now they're just hugs.
"Come on, Press." I vaguely heard Whit's voice and turned around. I met Christen's eyes for a brief second before she was snapped back to her puzzle. She looked somewhat concerned. I didn't like the look in her eyes at all.

"Great work, girls." Jill came over to our table with a huge smile. "I'm happy to see the two of you working together again." She gave me a pat on the back, then left to see who else finished. I knew Jill must've been thrilled to see her plan work out like this.
"We did good." Alex spoke up, leaning against the table. "We did." I smiled, enjoying us having a calm normal conversation for once. "You know Jill came to see me? This whole thing is basically an intervention." I continued, wanting Alex to know. She definitely had a sudden change in attitude, but at least I kinda had a reason to. I honestly don't know hers.
"I'm not surprised. I've been acting like a total brat." She didn't seem affected at all. I was slightly taken aback by her words. "What-no, you haven't." I felt like I had to say that. I haven't been the nicest person either, going off at her several times. "You don't have to say that." She looked over at me, smiling for some reason. "I wanted to say I'm sorry. I know I've been acting crappy and you don't have to defend that, Tobin." She continued, sounding like she was speaking from the heart now.
"You'll always mean something to me, but I want nothing more than for you to be happy. You're a better person with her, you've been trying to take the high road and be the adult in this situation the entire time." I was just staring at the girl in front of me in awe. The rest of the room had kinda disappeared around us, leaving us to have this conversation we should've had a long time ago. She was so mature and selfless and I've never seen this side of her before. This girl, no woman, she's the most Alex Morgan I've seen of her in a very long time. It made me happy.
"Alex, I don't know what to say. You have nothing to say sorry for. But thank you." I saw the relief in her eyes. She smiled too now.
"I know we probably have too much history to start over completely, but maybe try to go on as friends? I'll admit it won't be easy, but I just know I hated not having you in my life at all." Alex continued to amaze me. "I'd love to be your friend." I smiled, and leaned for another hug. I finally felt some kind of closure filling the air around us, there's definitely hope.

Alex's POV

"I'd love to be your friend." I knew that was what I wanted her to say, but it still hurt. That it was so easy for her to say. That she didn't have to go against all her emotions and deepest wishes to say those words. That it didn't kill her inside, the way it killed me.

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