Come home

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Per request, here's a Poe and Pát one shot, that fits well into the story without having to rewrite anything.

This takes place a few paragraphs into the last chapter, from Pát's perspective. Enjoy!

Pát watched as Poe climbed up into his X-Wing.

He glanced her way and gave a jaunty salute.

She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet and smiled back.

Ash Angels jumped around in her stomach with the nervousness.  Poe might never return.

What if the First Order got him?  What if he crashed?  What if he were shot down?  What if this Lor San Tekka was a traitor, ready to shoot the bravest and best pilot the Resistance had?  What if...

With her worries turning her head, she missed him flying away.

That could have been the last time she saw him.

She flipped the cover on the wrist of her prosthetic arm up and down, her nervous tick.

Jess noticed the tick and walked over, slinging an arm over her shoulders.  "Cmon, you want a drink?"

"Nothing with alcohol," Pát murmured as she was dragged into the little cantina.

Jess ordered her a drink and sat her down in the corner.

The drink came, in a mug, steaming.

Pát sipped it and felt the warmth coursing through her body.

She finished her drink and went to bed.  However, she didn't sleep at all that night.

Something just didn't feel right.

Poe had mentioned something once about the Force allowing you to sense if something was wrong with another Force user, loved one, or large group of people.

Maybe that's what she was feeling.

Or perhaps the drink Jess gave her had something a little more potent than caffeine in it.

Pát spent her night staring at the ceiling, wishing for daylight to come.

When it did, the feeling had subsided mostly, so she went to the control room to see if Poe had reported in. One look at the General's face told her she hadn't.

"We tried to send a transmission to the village, but it rebounded," Connix informed the ex-fighter. "We believe the village has been destroyed."

"Is Poe..." Pát couldn't bring herself to say it.

"I don't think so. But as soon as we hear something, I'll call for you."

Pát smiled her thanks, and left to sit upon the hill she and Poe had often occupied.

Suddenly, a ripping pain erupted, starting in her mind and spreading its way through her body before leaving it numb. She was blinded for a moment.

When she could see again, she was laying face first on the grassy hill. Jess ran up and stopped before her. "Are you okay?"

Pát rolled her neck and stretched her arms as she sat up. "I think so."

"What happened?" Jess demanded.  "One minute, you left the control room.   When I came out to see you, you were in convulsions."

As she said that, a medic crew rushed up.  Pát let them check her vitals and run a quick scan to see what caused the seizure.

They found nothing, but asked her to come down to the medbay for further testing.

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