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Three figures stood by a large window, overseeing a huge planet's excavation.

"What is the expected time of completion?" the darkest figure asked.

"Within a few years."  The red-headed one glanced over, then shifted his eyes back to the planet.

"That long?"

"The planet is large."

Kylo Ren walked away from the window.

Hux stared at Phasma, and left also.

The ginger-haired General stood in the center of the transmission room, waiting for reports from any of their squadrons.

Their youngest lieutenant, the name of which he couldn't be bothered to learn (he'd probably be slashed with Kylo's lightsaber soon enough), called out.

"We've intercepted another transmission, sir."

"From Skywalker?"  Hux strode over.

"Possible, sir."

"Where was it sent?"

"One moment, sir."  His fingers flew over the controls.  "Cloud City, on the planet Bespin."

Hux nodded curtly, and left through the main door, passing Phasma.  She realized that he had important news, and followed him.

They found Kylo in a small chamber off of his own barracks, seemingly meditating.

Hux shuddered as his eyes fell upon the burned helmet of Darth Vader. "Kylo Ren."

"What is it, General Hux?"

"A transmission has been received, presumably from Skywalker."

"Thank, you, General. Now, leave me to peace."

Hux sighed. "I'm awaiting your command."

"I just gave it," Kylo Ren said impatiently, keeping his voice under check.

"I mean regarding the transmission."

"It can wait."

"But sir, the Resistance--"

"The Resistance is weak.  They cannot get to it before us."  Kylo Ren rose from where he was sitting, blocking Hux's view of the helmet.

Hux stood his ground.  "There's something else I think you may not be aware of, sir."

"And what is that?"

"The transmission was sent to Cloud City, presumably Lando Calrissian.  A Resistance sympathizer.  It's only a matter of time before they get it."

Kylo Ren stood in silence a moment.  "Send a squadron of fifty TIE-Fighters, and two Troop Transport vehicles, full.  I'll follow in my own ship."

Hux, relieved to have orders, went to follow them, trailed by Phasma.

Kylo Ren turned back to the melted helmet.  "I have meditated many times to call you, Grandfather.  And yet you do not answer.  Please, show me your power, the power of the Dark Side."

Nothing happened.

With an unseen scowl, Kylo Ren took his lightsaber and left the room.  The door sealed closed with a low hiss.

He watched out the window as the first of the ships deployed.  "I'm coming, Uncle Lando."

Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now