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The eighth and ninth transmissions were sent at the same time.

Perhaps Luke Skywalker knew that the First Order was looking for him and decided to throw them off.

Unfortunately, one was sent to a First Order sympathizer.  And thus the race began for the ninth transmission.

Poe insisted on going, but General Organa decided to send Jess to join a pilot from the Endor base to get it, since the transmission was sent to someone in that sector.

She left at lunch that day.

Meanwhile, on Starkiller, Kylo Ren was looking at his eight pieces of the map. Hux approached him. "Ren, we have eight pieces. Would it hurt us for the Resistance to have one?"

Kylo Ren didn't turn, but he was raging under his helmet.

"I do not want to waste my stormtroopers on a battle for a transmission--"


Hux paused. "I beg your pardon?"

"You are a coward."

Hux scowled at the man's back. "Kylo Ren, I am merely thinking strategically. If we were to be launched into a full out battle, we've seen what the Resistance can do. The Battle of Bespin--"

"Was successful.  We got what we came for."

"We lost one hundred TIE-Fighter pilots, and five hundred stormtroopers.  The Resistance was wiped out, but they took out our entire force."

"Perhaps we should create a clone army instead."

Hux glared in furious silence.

Kylo turned to him.  "A spy has revealed that they are sending only two pilots to retrieve the map.  A human named Jessika Pava, also known as 'Testor,' and a Togruta named Sabelie Pashe."

"Shall we send TIE-Fighters?"

"No.  Call in Baz."

Hux hesitated, then turned and marched out.  Captain Phasma entered shortly after he left.

"Kylo Ren, the next division of stormtroopers has begun their simulations."

"What division?"


"Thank you, Captain Phasma."

"Would you like to oversee them?"

"There has been a development in the Endor system.  I must first attend to that."

Phasma dipped her head.  "The moon?"

"Somewhere near."

The door opened and Hux entered with a tall man.

The man knelt before Kylo Ren, then stood.  "You have an assignment?"

"Yes, Lieutenant.  A transmission was sent to somebody in the Endor system.  I need you to hunt it down and bring it back to me."

Baz rose.  "Yes, Kylo Ren."

He left. Kylo Ren turned to Captain Phasma. "I'll oversee your troops now."

She bowed her head in deference and led him out of the room.

Jess landed on Endor.  A Togruta approached her, holding out a hand.  "Sabelie Pashe."

"Jessika Pava."

They shook hands in greeting, then started off.

"I don't think it is on Endor," Sabelie said over the radio.  "If it was, the recipient would have brought it to us."

"Where do you think it is then?" Jess banked a turn to port.

"The Sullust system."

"The factories?"


"Why there?"

"I don't know.  Just a hunch."

"Alright. Whatever you say."

They flew to Sullust, and landed on a roof. Fortunately, it was night, and the sun baked planet was considerable cooler. Jess wrapped her jacket farther around herself.

An old woman scrambled up a ladder near them. The two pilots pulled out their blasters and trained them on her.

The woman put her hands up. "The Resistance! The Resistance!" Her voice was heavily accented. "You want the transmission, yes?"

"You have it?" Jess lowered her blaster and took a step forward.

"Yes! Yes!"

The old woman held out the little chip, and Jess tucked it into her pocket.

"Jess," Sabelie whispered.

Jess looked where she was pointing. "Go, hurry. You aren't safe anywhere near us. Thank you."

The old woman gave a toothy smile and disappeared the way she came.

A TIE-Fighter was wailing towards them. The two pilots stood together between the X-Wings as it joined them on the roof.

"For the Resistance," Sabelie whispered.

"Yes. And may the Force be with you." Jess stared at the TIE-Fighter as a man climbed out of the top.

He turned.

Jess gasped. "Baz?"

"Hello, sister."

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