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Another transmission came through four months later.

Jasper wanted to try to hunt it down, but General Organa forbade anyone from going.

And so the First Order got it.

They had six pieces, the Resistance had none.

Kylo Ren became obsessed with finding Luke Skywalker, and had proposed multiple times to Hux the idea of declaring war on the Resistance and any supporters.

Kylo Ren knew where the base was, he'd found a tiny map inside of Aura's jacket, but he hadn't told anybody else. 

He didn't know why, but he didn't want to.

Finally, they held a meeting in Snoke's chamber.  Hux, Phasma, and Kylo Ren were there.

"I believe we should declare war as soon as possible," Kylo Ren stated. "No use playing this race, no matter if we are winning."

Hux glanced at his superior, then said, "If we declare war, the Resistance will be better able to find us."

"You have concerns about them finding us?" Kylo Ren asked mockingly.

"Of course not, but it is them finding the Supreme Leader that concerns me."

Snoke laughed. "Do you really believe that a ragtag group of rebels can kill me?"

"With all due respect, Master, they are not ragtag. They are more dangerous than you realize," Kylo Ren said.

"Dangerous to your troops, perhaps. Not to me."

The three scowled. He'd effectively insulted each of them.

After a minute, Kylo Ren spoke again. "With the declaration of war, we can send out squadrons of TIE-Fighters to hunt down the Resistance and engage them in open battle."

Phasma spoke for the first time.  "I believe that my troops are ready."

"You believe?" Hux asked incredulously.

"They are ready," she repeated firmly.

"My young apprentice, declare war in four hours."

"Yes, Master.  It shall be done."

And it was.

General Leia Organa received the declaration of war from her son exactly four hours later.

Poe was furious, and immediately began working through battle plans.

Jess found him in the control room one night, asleep on his plans.  She smiled slightly and took a blanket out of a crate of supplies.

Laying it over him, she left him to sleep.

Afren and Jasper sat on top of a hill, watching the sky, knowing all too well that it was only a matter of time before the clear, star-speckled sky could be filled with enemy fighters.

The night was chilly, and Afren sat closer to Jasper, wrapping her pilot's jacket tighter around her.

He put his arm around her protectively, and watched the sky as the midnight patrol started out, swapping with the evening patrol.

Jasper didn't have patrol until noon, but Afren had the dawn patrol.

He turned to her, to tell her that she needed to go to bed.  She was asleep on his shoulder.

He laughed slightly and she stirred.

"Bed time," he said, using his shoulder to get her to wake up again.

She groaned and rubbed her eyes.

"You have dawn patrol tomorrow." Jasper reminded her.

"Don't wanna."

He laughed and helped her to her feet.

Once she was in her barracks and her roommate, Plia, assured him that she would get her to bed, Jasper left.

But he didn't go to his barracks.  Instead, he went back to the hill.

Poe came out a little while later, with the blanket Jess had put over him and his plans.  He spotted the younger pilot and walked over.

"What are you doing out here?" Poe asked, sitting down with a sigh.

"Didn't want to go to bed.  Where'd you get the blanket?"

He pulled out a corner of it and stared at it for a while.  "I don't know."

"What's that?"


"Can I see some of them?"

Poe shrugged and tapped the hologram generator to show some of his plans.

The midnight patrol was coming in by the time they finished and went to bed.

Afren passed Jasper on her way to the dawn patrol, but it was as if he were sleepwalking.

She yawned and started out.

Kylo RenWhere stories live. Discover now