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Someone was banging on Poe's door.  He got up and put on his brown jacket, opening the door with a yawn.

It was Jess.  "Dameron!  Haasa's on the comlink, he wants you to hear it."

Poe ran to the command center.

He went to the button.  "Poe Dameron present."

Haasa's voice crackled through.  "Copy.  First report, General, I'm sorry.  Ben Solo goes by a different name."

"I would have expected that," Leia said.

"He calls himself Kylo Ren.  Two other trainees seem to have also defected with him.  I'll find their names if I can.  Snoke, it seems, does not command from the Star Destroyer they use as a base.  Instead, he is a hologram from somewhere else.  It is possible I could track it from the ship, but it would be a risk."

"If you see it as a possibility, do so," General Organa replied.

"In the way of troops, they are training children into killing machines.  Their army is seven times the size of ours."

"We suspected as much."

"And as for the transmission, they have intercepted it.  However, they have more advanced technology than we do.  They have traced it to its receiver."

"And who is it?  Where are they?" Poe asked, leaning forward.

"It has been sent to--"

He was broken up by blaster shots and yelling.  The comlink fell to the ground.

"Destroy the connection!  If it falls into their hands, they can track us back!"

Lieutenant Connix reached over the petrified Grisal and typed in a code, but not before they heard the unmistakable sound of a lightsaber.

Jess sat back in her seat, shaking.  Poe steadied himself on the the control panel.  General Organa stood, staring at the hologram map.

Then the General turned to Connix.  "I want you to analyze the transmission, find out how to decode it, where it was transmitted from, all of it."

"Yes, General."

"Pava, Dameron, I want you and Kryall to double up patrols around the base.  We need to know if they've found us, before they've even actually seen us."

Poe nodded and went out.  He and the other two leaders directed the crews, and sent out two pilots each on patrols.  They only had twenty pilots able to fly battle maneuvers, but they could begin to send trainees out with pilots for their patrols.  Perhaps then they could train them faster for battle.

He presented the idea to Jess, who agreed.

Meanwhile, unbeknownst to the Resistance, Kylo Ren was finishing the last bits of his helmet. 

It peeved him that he had never seen the other Knight's faces, but they had all seen his.  At least he could tell wether they were male or female by their voices, and they were all human.

The other Force-sensitive one was a female, and he had once caught a piece of hair hanging out of her helmet during an inspection.  It was blonde.  As he tugged it to show her where it was, he was rocketed back to every moment with Averann.  He kicked himself in the ankle to drive away the grief.

Pain seemed to be his way to stay on the Dark Side, not emotional, only physical.  A quick kick to his leg, a subtle pinch, every time he missed his Light Side friends and family.

It had felt good to kill Captain Haasa, the man who had seemed to hate him so much, every time he saw him.

He finalized the design, and a team of droids set to work with it.

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