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Poe started awake as BB-8 beeped in his ear. He shoved the droid away and it rolled back playfully.

He sat up and rubbed his face.

The pilot started swatting at his droid, which kept making obnoxious noises as it bumped into him over and over.

He heard a noise at the door and turned to see Afren laughing at him.

"Sorry for waking you up," he said, as BB-8 rolled to a stop at the girl's feet, finally silent.

She shook her head.  "I was already up."

Poe got up and stretched.  He looked down at his sleep clothes.  She nodded and left so he could get dressed.

Once he was dressed, Afren came back in.  She watched as he rolled up the blankets they'd given him.

"How do you become one?" Afren asked suddenly.

"A what?"  Poe looked up.

"A Resistance pilot," she said.

Poe finished rolling the blankets.  "It took me about three years of training, and I already knew how to fly.  Most of the pilots on the base started really young. Jess--"

"Who's Jess?"

"Red Leader. Jess Pava started when she was about eight. She's twenty-two. But if you want to be a pilot, we have a training group that you could join."

"What's this about being a pilot?" asked Hyrish, stepping through the door.

"Father, can I be a pilot?" Afren pleaded.

He looked at her.  "Why?"

"I could support the Resistance.  Avenge Averann."

Pain flashed through the father's eyes.  "Your mother and I will discuss it."

The family began to gather in the main room, and Lara made breakfast.  Poe accepted the plate with a nod.

Once they'd finished eating, Lara turned to the pilot.  "You didn't come here just to see us?"

He shook his head.  "I need to look for someone.  Does Luke Skywalker live anywhere around here?"

Hyrish thought.  "No, I haven't seen him since he came for Averann."

Lara shook her head.  "He came once a few years ago while you were gone, but it was just to meet someone here."


"Klio Drefman, but she died last year," Lara said.

Poe gnawed on his lip.  "Alright, thank you anyway.  Did he visit anyone else?  Does she have any family?"

"She had a daughter, she lives just a little ways away," Afren volunteered.

"Anonra, show him to Hilda's house," Lara instructed.

"Why can't I?" Afren asked.

"We need to talk to you," her father told her.  She sat down, pouting.

Anonra led the pilot to a little treehouse about a mile away.  Poe had to carry his droid up the ladder, in a makeshift sling on his back.

The little blonde girl raised a fist and rapped on the door with her knuckles.

The door swung open and a little dark-haired girl peaked out.  "What do you want?"

Poe glanced down at his companion.  "Are you Hilda?"

She shook her head.  "Mother!"

An older woman looked out the door.  When she saw his flight jacket, she opened it fully.  "Come in."

He followed her into the dimly lit house.

"A man named Luke Skywalker visited your mother a few years ago, and we wondered if you knew his whereabouts."

Hilda froze where she was shuffling things on a shelf.  "I don't know who that is."

Poe shifted feet.  "Well, I figured since he knew your mother, you might be able to help us.  He left two years ago, and this is the closest we've gotten to finding him."

She turned.  "I'm sorry, but he's not here.  I don't know who that is, and I don't really think it's entirely safe for you to be in my house."


"I don't want the First Order coming after my daughter and I.  It would be best if you left.  Now."

Poe sighed and went down the ladder, Anonra following.

"Thank you anyway, Anonra," Poe said as they trudged back through the forest.

She kicked a stone across the leaves.  "Are you taking Afren away?"

"Well, I don't think I'm really taking her away, but if your parents are okay with it, she will be coming back to the Base with me."


They walked the rest of the way in silence, with only the sounds of their feet in the ferns and BB-8's crunching as he rolled.

When they reached the treehouse, Afren came tearing out.

"They said I could go!  They said I could go!"

Poe grinned.  "That's great!"

Anonra looked up at her sister.  "You're leaving me?"

Afren stopped and picked her up.  "Oh, silly girl, I'm not leaving forever.  I'll come back, from time to time."

The younger girl wrapped her arms around her sister's neck.

Poe watched them.

The next day, when they were about to leave, Poe pushed his seat forward as far as it would go and they wedged Afren's bag behind it.  She would have to sit on top of it.

Afren and Lara embraced.  Lara pushed back and planted a kiss on her forehead.  "I love you, Afren."

"I love you too, Mother."

Then she said goodbye to her father.  He ruffled her hair, but Poe could see tears in his eyes.

Anonra was bawling as she gripped her sister.  "Goodbye, Afren!" she sobbed.

Afren got on her knees to look her in the eyes.  "You know when it gets dark and the stars shine all over?"

Anonra nodded, rubbing her eyes.

"Even though I'm so far away, I can see those same stars.  And one of those stars is where I'll be."

"And another is where I am," Anonra volunteered.

"Exactly," she whispered, pressing a kiss to the top of her sisters head.

Afren stood.  Anonra wrapped her arms around her legs.  "I love you!"

"I know you do.  And I love you even more."

Finally, they left.  Afren waved out the window from her cramped position before they flew off.

Poe made several jumps, just in case they'd been tracked.

When he landed, she was asleep.

Jess came running once he landed.  "Did you find him?"

He shook his head and pointed to Afren.  Her eyebrows raised in a question.

"A new pilot," he whispered, climbing down.  "Help me."

Together, they lifted the exhausted girl out of the cockpit and carried her to a bench near the communications room.

"I'll stay with her," Jess said.

Poe nodded and left to report to General Organa.

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