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Once they had reported to General Organa, Poe and Jess went into the little cantina someone had set up in the base.

They ordered nonalcoholic drinks, since they still needed their wits about them.

The two pilots sat sipping, thinking over the day's events.

"When do you think he'll send the next one?" Jess asked.

Poe shrugged. "I haven't the slightest clue."

She huffed.

They turned to watch people walking in.

Lieutenant Grisal wandered in and ordered a drink. In the low light, they could only hardly see the bags under his eyes.

Jess lifted her hand and called him over.

He walked over and sat heavily.

Poe shifted slightly away from the younger man.

"I'm sorry, I don't know your first name," Jess said.

The lieutenant took a sip. "Jacen Grisal."

Jess smiled. "I'm Jess."

She glanced at Poe, who was taking a sip of his own drink. He started and pulled the cup from his mouth. "Poe."

They sat in awkward silence until Lieutenant Connix entered. She looked around until she found Poe.

He looked up when she approached.

"Dameron, can I talk to you?"

Poe nodded and motioned to a chair.

She shook her head. "Outside?"

He stood and glanced at Jess. She wiggled her eyebrows at him. He snorted and tossed his empty disposable cup at her.

Outside, they walked to the top of a low hill.

"What is it?" Poe asked. "I assume you didn't take me out here to shoot me or something?"

He smiled, but she wasn't.

"There's something you didn't report today."

His smile fell in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"You were hiding something, I know it. What is it? Did Kylo Ren bribe you not to say you saw him?"

"Connix, I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sure. And Rathtars fly." She crossed her arms.

"Well, they can launch themselves pretty far into the air--"

"I know you're hiding something."

"So you've said." Poe sat down on a rock and folded his own arms.

"Just know that I'm watching you."

He shrugged and walked back down the cantina.

Jacen had finished his drink and was starting a second, and Jess was watching him, eyebrows raised. She looked up to see Poe. He motioned for her to follow him.

"What did she want?"

"She thinks we're hiding something."

"What did you forget to say the temperature of the desert?"

Poe sighed. "I don't know. She thinks we saw Kylo Ren."

Jess laughed. "She's just suspicious. She grew up on Jakku, after all."

He sighed again, louder. She elbowed him.

"Oh! Oh no! The pain!" He cried out mockingly.

Jess sighed and left to go to bed. Poe watched the construction. Thanks to the workers' swiftness, the new base should be dug out and shored up in the next few days. Then they could begin building the base inside the hill.

R2-D2 had been found in a crate, but he seemed to have finally flown his last flight. Nonetheless, General Organa kept him in the makeshift communications room.

The workers had built another hill with the excavated dirt, and the few children on the base were playing in it, building castles until their mothers called them in.

Watching them brought back memories of playing with Kylo Ren...Ben...fighting off the bark TIE-Fighters, playing Jedi in the woods, climbing up onto Chewbacca's fur to play King of the Wookie.

What he wouldn't give to have one more day with his friend, not as enemies, as actual friends. But he knew Kylo Ren was too far gone.

Even if he did turn back, he would be condemned for his murders.

Poe even wished that he wouldn't turn back, just so he wouldn't have to see his childhood friend executed.

He shook off the heaviness that had come from the thoughts and went to bed.

His dreams were haunted with nightmares, one starting as soon as he had woken and shaken off the last.  Finally, Poe pulled on his jacket and went out for a walk.  The sun was just starting to peek over the horizon and the night patrol was coming in.

BB-8 trundled along behind him, up the low hill.

When Poe flopped onto the green grass, he rolled to a stop by his head, beeping.

The pilot watched the morning patrol start off against the brightening sky and wondered whether or not Luke Skywalker would send any more transmissions, and to whom.

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