Mangle's POV

"Welcome to cheerleading tryouts everyone!" I beamed, welcoming the girls and guys all standing in front of me and TC on the bleachers who were here for tryouts.
There was a few cheers and claps throughout the crowd before I continued,
"So, you'll perform your chosen routine and me and TC will assess you individually. We'll be judging you on your dancing skills, flexibility, agility, and also who can muster the cheesiest grin while doing it." I said with a small chuckle at the end which got me a wave of small laughs.
"Yes Mangle!" They replied in unison with enthusiasm.
"Great! Now, before we begin," I said making my way down the bleachers with a smug smirk quickly growing on my lips as they cleared a path for me to walk past them all into the large blue gymnastics mat they'd be performing on, "Just to make sure you know the quality I'm expecting from you, I'll be performing my own routine."
Everyone who was here for tryouts quickly dispersed into a large circle around the mat with whispers and excitement going through the crowd. 
If there's one thing I'm good at, it's dance. And when I start cheerleading, I may get quite showy about it..Oh well, it's cheerleading! I'm kinda supposed to be showy about it.
Plus I gotta show them how it's done.
"Toy Chi, if you will." I asked her, ushering to the CD player. She sent me a grin and nodded, pressing a button on the stereo and music started playing as I strutted over to the dance mat in front of everyone.

         (Watch dance in media section)

I finished my routine, out of breath and panting, but still managing to keep a smile on my face in my finishing position.
The sound of cheers and applause filled the air around me. I got up from the mat swiftly, looking around me to see everyone clapping with grins on their faces. I quickly noticed that the entire football team had come over to watch and were also part of the cheering crowd. Foxy was at the front of them with a big smile on his face as he let out an enthusiastic, "WOO!"
I laughed at him and rolled my eyes ever so slightly before taking a bow, "Thank you everyone. Now, if you boys wouldn't mind going to take a shower, I'll start with tryouts."
With that all the football players jogged off the field except for Toy Freddy and Foxy who were now standing next to me while the cheerleaders all took their seats on the benches.
"Aww look at the captain back in action again." Fred said with a sarcastic voice and a chuckle, wrapping his arm around my neck and rubbing my head with his fist like a Brother would do.
As if already having one annoying big Brother wasn't enough, I gotta deal with Fred everyday.
Toy Freddy was definitely like my big Brother though, he has been since we first met in kindergarten. He'd always stick up for me and
the other Toys, but he'd always manage to find a way to joke around with us too.
I tried struggling out his arm by pushing him backwards, totally disregarding the fact that he was ten times stronger than me,
"Yeah, yeah, thanks asshole! Now quit messing with my hair, would'ya?" I said still struggling about. He and Foxy let out a laugh as Toy Freddy finally let go of me, "Alright, alright. At least I have my fellow sports-star back again. Do you know how hard it is to talk about football games to Bon-Bon the music prodigy?"
I chuckled, "Yeah fair enough, but still.."
I shrugged simply before elbowing him in the shoulder as payback.
"Ow!" He yelped, jumping slightly as my elbow hit his shoulder. Me and Foxy both laughed at him, "You had that one coming, Fred." Foxy chuckled patting him on the shoulder, "Now c'mon, let's leave her highness to her tryouts. Bye Mang!" He said walking away to the boys changing rooms along with Toy Freddy before saying goodbye to me over his shoulder. I waved to them both and sat down at the table in front of the bleachers next to Toy Chica. "Fred pickin' on you again, sweetie?" She giggled handing me a bottle of water. I laughed and gave her a fake pout and a nod before taking a few long gulps of water.
That routine seriously tiered me out!
She shook her head still with a smile, "Meanie. Anyway, great job with the routine Mang! You killed it girl."
I flashed her a a tiered grin with a small chuckle, "Thanks girl."
I noticed a short blonde girl out the corner of my eye running from the corner of the field towards us, I nudged TC slightly to get her attention and she saw where I was looking,
"Isn't that Chica Bax?" I asked her as Chica came closer and closer to where we were sitting. TC nodded, "Yep. She's in my Geography class, she's pretty sweet."
I returned the nod and looked up at the breathless girl standing in front of us holding two red pompoms in hand wearing the cheerleading uniform like everyone else which consisted of a white crop top and mini sports skirt.
"Am..I..Too late?" She said gasping quietly under her breath with worried eyes.
"N-no you're right on time." TC said blinking in surprise as I handed her my water bottle. Chica let out a sigh of relief before giving me a thankful smile and taking a drink of water, "Thank you."
I gave her a smile, "No problem, Chica. Take a seat on the bleachers and I'll call your name when you're up, okay?"
She nodded and made her way up the bleachers and took a seat next to Damian and Harriet.
I looked down at my clipboard on the desk and read over the first name,
"Okay, first up is Brianna!" I called over my shoulder.
A tall girl with brown curly hair giggled along with her group of girlfriends on the bleachers before getting up and sauntering on down the steps with a strut in her step like she owned the place.
Ugh..Brianna Trent.
There's a very, very short list of people I hate in this school but she is right at the very top. She's never liked me, even at the very start of Junior year when I first joined Statton. She was one of those girls who enjoyed making other people feel bad about themselves because she thought she was just sooo perfect..
Not to mention she's slept with almost every guy in our year, it's hard to keep up with who she's dating since it changes pretty much every week..
"Kay, I like, brought my own music for my routine or whatevs? Is that like, okay with little miss 'Queen cheerleader'?" She said chewing her bubblegum in the most obnoxious way possible with sarcasm coating her voice staring me in the eyes with her rich hazel eyes.
"Yeah, that's 'Kay'.." I said through gritted teeth returning the sarcasm, ushering to the CD player. She sent me a fake smile before turning around and rolling her eyes, inserting a CD reading, 'Rebecca Black: It's Friday' on it.
Oh my effing God, why me?
Brianna pressed play and as the intro started playing she began nodding her head to the beat while skipping over to the dance mat. As the song went on, her routine only got more cringe-worthy. Move after move was just..Ughhh.
I let my head bang against the table's surface and continued to hit it hoping to give myself a concussion so I could either end my suffering or just go to the nurse's office, anything would be better than this. Meanwhile Toy Chica just buried her head in her hands and tried not to lose her will to live.
At the end of the performance she did some jazz hands and bowed, oh my god it's finally over. There was a quiet applause from the other people auditioning from the bleachers, the exception being her girl-gang who were practically screaming praise for her.
Why are they encouraging this..
"Um..Okay. Thank you, Brianna for that..great performance." I said, trying not to be rude, ish.
She flicked her hair and sashayed back to her friends before saying,
"You retards can all go home now." To people she passes by along the aisle with a snarky smile.Me and TC both shared a grimace before I began the rest of tryouts,
"Next up is..Amy!"

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