It wasn't like he hated her like the rest of their crew. It was just the fact that he had always found her attractive, and liked her more then he knew he should. Though he had always tried to suppress the tiny feeling as mere attraction, deep down he knew it wasn't true. He was in love with her and the fact that she would never feel the same about him makes his heart break every time he sees her.

And the fact that she was dating his best friend didn't make things easy. He didn't like the way Bennett gets to hold her in his arms when he doesn't even deserves her. It took him everything not to rip his hands off his Sapphire every time he touched her. The girl was actually in love with his best friend didn't quite fit in his mind knowing that his friend was just using her made his blood boil.

Though Bennett had always said that he felt nothing for her, he knew it wasn't true. He had seen the way he looked at her and he knew as much as he denied it he did feel something for her. And that bothered him more then he thought it would. He feared that the day Bennett realised his true feelings for Sapphire, he would lose all his chances of getting her.

"I can't wait to see her face tonight." Bennett said bringing him out of his thoughts. This was it. He couldn't take it anymore. He wasn't going to let them humiliate her anymore. He had kept quiet for way too long and he had had enough. He was just about to snap at Bennett but paused when he spotted Sapphire standing by the door with tears in her eyes.

He could feel his heart break as he watched her sob quietly as she heard every word. It took him everything not to rush to her and take her into his arms and protect her. He clenched his fists as his body started shaking in rage. He was about to snap at him but she shook her head pleading him to let him continue.

She wanted to know the truth. She wanted to know what Bennett really felt about her. By now she had figured out it was a bet and he was only wooing her. She should have figured it out, father like son. Maybe her father was right, the Milton's are not worth of trust.

Bennett noticed the distant look on his friends face and followed his gaze. His heart did a complete summersault when he noticed the blonde girl standing at the door way her eyes clogged with tears. Crap! What had he done? Their eyes met for a second and he could see the hurt in them. God what the hell was he thinking?

No he didn't mean anything he said, not even a single word. He just wanted to look cool in front of his friends and that was the only reason he was blabbering all that crap. She looked so pale and broken that his heart broke by just staring at her. He watched her take a step back like she was going to make a run, and she did.

He wanted to get up and run after her and tell her all that she heard was a lie and he really loved her. But his pride didn't let him. What would his friends think about him if they find out he had been bluffing all these time? He turned to Noel who glared back at him his features clenched.

He pulled out his phone and typed a quick text. Asking him to go after her and try to to convince her. He knew that she respected Noel and he was definitely sure that his friend would surely convince her and get he back to him. But little did he knew his friend had a totally different idea.


"What do you want Noel? " Bennett demanded as he glared at the man he once called his best friend. It was strange that after all that had happened, Noel had the guts to step on his door step and let alone roam around his house like he owned the place. He glanced at Sapphire who desparately tried to smoothen her now messed up hair, her face flushed red.

Noel glanced at the beauty standing right behind Bennett and his breath was immediately caught in his lungs. Her hair was in a wild mess like she had just got up from sleep and her face was flushed. Her tank top had crunched up to her naval revealing the delicate skin of her toned stomach. It was kind of hard to believe that she was a mother of two children.

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