Chapter 8 - Ryan's POV

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I never understood my want... No. My need to have Elizabeth. To hold her and tell her everything is going to be okay, that no matter what I'll always have her back. To make her smile like she just won the state lottery. To make her feel the circus that went on in my stomach every time we touch, every time we make eye contact. Sometimes I think it's wrong to think like this because she's my cousin's ex or whatever they are. But, he didn't love her like I did- do! I just need her in my life, I need her like how my lungs need air and my veins need blood. She was my world and she didn't even know.

'Whoa, a bit stalker-ish don't ya think?' my mind taunted 

'Ugh, shut the fuck up. You know exactly what I mean, motherfucker! Wait did I just call myself a motherfucker since you're my mind-' My thoughts were interrupted as I pulled up to my humble abode.

I turned off the engine and just sat in my car, staring at nothing in particular. After about five minutes I finally decided to finally get out and enter my house. As I was walking and eerie feeling trickled down my spine causing me to halt mid-stride and look around. From what I saw, there was no threat to my life so I ignored the feeling and walked on in. As I was walking in I was greeted by a man I've never seen before, dressed in his boxers, only. What the actual fuck? Did I drive into the wrong driveway? I quickly glanced around to make sure it was my house. It indeed was... So what the fuck is this man doing in my house? I turned to him giving him a cold glare as I clenched my jaw.

"Who the fuck are you!?" I seethed.

"Hey, son, I know you have no clue who I am, and you're probably wondering why I'm walking around your house almost as naked as the day I was born. So before you fuck up my pretty face cause I heard you got a temper but you're also a bit of a nerd or geek or whatever you kids call it nowadays. I just want to say it fast... I'm your dad." He rambled. I found it amusing, to be honest.

I never knew who my dad was, and I should be angry. But, all I felt was relieved? I mean the guy did donate his sperm to mom after all. And I always wanted a dad to talk to about girls and other boy kinda stuff that I couldn't talk to Mamacita about without turning into a bright, red tomato and die of embarrassment. Throwing that to the back of my mind. I smiled at him.

"Hey, dad."

His eyes bulged out of their sockets in disbelief "You- You're not mad that I didn't stick around?"

I gave him an exasperated look "Listen, I may not have known you but your sperm fertilized my mom's egg... So, if it weren't for you I wouldn't even exist. Because of that, I could never be mad at you, just a bit sad that I never knew you before."

He gave me the widest grin "You, son, are amazing but you are the weirdest person I have ever come across to forgive me so quickly. I didn't even explain why I left."

"Do you have another family now?" I asked just above a whisper. I didn't care so much that he wasn't there, I mean everything happens for a reason, but him having another family would crush me. I didn't know why but I do feel that way.

"I have a daughter-" before he could finish that sentence I ran off out of my house. I didn't want to drive right now because I might do something stupid.

 I know I'm glad that he's here but I didn't want to share him with any other kid. I mean, I shouldn't get upset. What did I expect him to be doing for 17 years of my life? Play monopoly with his neighbour? Shit, I might have messed up. But wait,  I am Ryan Greenly I found myself going to the park I first saw Elizabeth. Damn, I really wish I knew about having dibs on someone back then. Although I would never want to have dibs on Elizabeth it seemed to only objectify her, and unlike girls I knew Elizabeth would throw a hissy fit if I did.

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