Chapter 3 - Ryan's POV

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I seriously sucked. I messed up with Elizabeth and I was really upset about it. 

Although we had never spoken I had always had a crush on her. But before I could get a chance to be her friend she was taken from me by Chase, her boyfriend and my cousin.

It had been at recess on the second day of the 3rd grade, She had just moved here to Rochester, New York from Atlanta  she had been playing with her dolls by the sandbox. She looked so adorable and friendly. She didn't have any friends  as yet because she had just moved her. I decided that I would go over to her and make myself acquainted with her but I didn't move fast enough. 

Chase had the same idea, and although we were cousins I didn't like sharing my friends with him because they always thought he was better than me. For what reason? I never understood. Anyway, back to the story.

I ran up to her and sat and tried to start a conversation "Hey, I'm Ry-" I was cut off by Chase.

"Hi, I'm Chase! You looked kind of lonely over here, mind if I sit with you?" Chase queried.

"Of course you can! You're cute.."  She whispered the last part.

Although I was only eight at the time I was so jealous because I had a crush on her

Suddenly Chase knocked on my car window bringing me out of my thoughts. Speak of the devil and he shall appear, right?

I had been sitting here since Elizabeth walked away. I knew she was in her car also but I didn't notice that 2 hours had passed. 

"Hi" I muttered, slightly agitated as I got out the car.

"You spoke to her bro?" Chase asked as fear flashed in his eyes. 

"Don't worry. I won't tell her that you have been fucking Jessica.. her bestfriend. It's none of my business anyway" I stated trying to remain as calm as possible.

 I was absolutely disgusted with Chase, he got the only girl I ever wanted but yet still he couldn't be faithful to her. Everyone knew Jessica was a whore but I assume Elizabeth wasn't one to judge.

I heard Chase sigh in relieve. "Why did you talk to her though? I know you have a crush on her, but can't you just wait your turn? I'm almost done with her I just need to fuck her first."

"Chase, I will murder you if you speak about her like that. She may not like me at the moment but-" and just like when I met Elizabeth he cut me off

"But what? Dude she's nothing but a piece of ass to me." He said amused at what I had said.

Right then and there all I saw was red as I beat him to a pulp, not caring that his mom, Aunt Karen would be furious. I oddly felt amazing smashing his head on the floor. Did he feel like he could get away with talking about my girl like that?

Whoa, whoa. Hold on, did I just say my girl?

Before I could throw another punch at this son of a bitch's face I was pulled away by what seemed to be two persons. I finally calmed down... well, just enough to look up. I saw both my best friends Nate and Danny. Shit, I hadn't noticed there was a crowd until now. I looked to my left at my cousin, feeling satisfied, but also guilty that I had beaten him up this bad. A second later, Elizabeth had been by his side glaring at me. Fuck, first I laugh at her inability to read situations and now I have beat up on her boyfriend. She must hate me now.

Thank god no teacher saw me beat up Chase. I couldn't afford to get in trouble if I wanted to get in to Harvard. Yes, I the nerd badboy wants to go to college, because why? Women don't want to be with men that don't have some financial security. Not saying that people who don't  college degree won't have financial security, I mean just look at  Bill Gates, he dropped out of college.. Anyway.

I looked at my best buds only to see them smirking at me.

"What did he say about Elizabeth that made you so angry?" Nate asked while Danny snickered.

I glare at them in hopes that they would drop it. I loved my best friends, no homo. But they were still a pain in the ass.

They realized I wasn't up for it and decided to change the subject.

"How was your summer break?"

"You need to get laid, man."

They said simultaneously. The latter being said by Danny.

I ignored them.

I decided it was time to head to the main office to pick up our schedule and our locker number.

"Lets go get our schedule and locker number please." I pleaded, not wanting to talk about that scumbag I called my cousin. 

"Fine, but we're talking about this at lunch" Danny said and I knew there was no room for arguing.

What a great way to start my senior year? I thought sarcastically.

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