Chapter 5 - Elizabeth's POV

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"I felt like it"

Ryan's words kept ringing in my mind as I began to walk towards my car. How dear him say that? How could he beat up his cousin and MY BOYFRIEND and feel no remorse? Did he just not care about anything? Him not caring about anything would certainly fit his bad boy image. Suddenly, I felt the want... No the need to speak with him. Not just him giving me unclear answers but answers as clear as the morning sky. Right then and there in our school's parking lot I decided I would do something I had never done.

I hopped in my black honda civic, which I loved with all my heart, and sped off like Paul Walker in Fast and Furious... What a fine specimen he was. RIP Paul Walker, you'll forever be in my dreams and I'll be on top of you... Whoa back to the task at hand Lizzie.

  I was going to go to Ryan's house.  Chase had made me drop him there once after he got drunk at a party, so I knew where it was since it was next door to me.


I parked in front of Ryan's house. As I walked to his door I felt a sense of regret trickling down my back. I finally reached to his door after what felt like an eternity. But then it dawned on me... Why was I going to get involved with my boyfriend's family matters was beyond me, I had no right to do what I was doing. But to be safe I decided I would text Jessica and see what she thought.

To: JessiWessi

Hey, I'm in front of Ryan's house, I need to know why he beat my boyfriend to a pulp, should I?


I decided to walk back to my card, I didn't want to do something I'd regret. I sat on the bonnet of my car awaiting her response for the past 15 minutes. If she didn't answer in the next 2 seconds I would call her, I didn't care who she was shaking up with, she was my fucking best friend and I need her opinion now.

 My phone finally rang scaring the shit out of me. I took my iPhone out of my front pocket to be greeted by a picture of Jessica eating a banana in the most sensual way possible. I was so relieved that she called, I quickly answered her.

"Seriously Jessica! I'm in a crisis right now and you took so fucking long to answer, I hope whoever you were fucking was worth it!"

 I knew that it was a bit harsh but I needed my best friend.

"Geez, Liz... I'm sorry" 

I heard a hint of annoyance in her voice but quickly brushed it off I didn't want to fight with her. We fell into an awkward silence. This was happening more and more since this summer. I don't know what happened over summer but she seemed to be... drifting very far She finally broke the silence.

" Listen, I'm a bit busy right now,but I think you should barge up in that motherfucking house and demand some answers. Cause not only is he your boyfriend, but he's my lo.. my best friend-"

"Your lo-  your best friend? What does that even mean Jessie" I swore she was about to say, lover. But that was impossible cause  Jessica would never do that to me, not in a million years.

"I was going to say.. um.. Lovely best friend, but remembered he is far from lovely." She said quickly.

I chuckled "Okay, I'm gonna go get some answers now babe."

"Huh?... Okay yeah, bye"


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