Chapter 7 - Ryan's POV

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As it approached lunchtime, I made it my duty to find out what I had done to little Ms. Santiago. Had she figured out what was going on with Jessica and Chase and found out that I knew this whole time? I don't think I want her to find out, I kinda want to tell her, mostly for my own selfish reasons. But,  ratting out Chase felt wrong. But my mind kept telling me a different story.

She's yours, you need to tell her!

She'll hate you if you don't!

She deserves better than Chase, don't you love her enough to tell her the truth?

At that very moment, I wish I could just knock myself unconscious then maybe my subconscious would finally shut the fuck up. But, at the same time, every bone in my body was agreeing with my brain and heart. I needed to tell her before it's too late. I need to tell her before she finds out because it'll bring her more pain than to be told. So right then and there in my Sociology class that I had right before lunch, I decided I would tell Elizabeth all I knew about Chase and Jessica's relationship, even if she hates me after I'll feel much better knowing that I wasn't lying to her face anymore. I mean, if I love her, I should tell her everything right? Well, that's what it said on that one website I went on to see if I should tell her that she's being cheated on and for months too.

I was brought out of my torturous thoughts by a paper being passed to me by the guy that sits in front of me, what was his name, again? Luke, no. Phill, that's was his name, I think. I took it and looked at the girly handwriting before looking up at Phill confused. Maybe he was gay or something.

As if reading my mind he said incredulously "I'm not gay, it came from that girl over there." He pointed at a blond girl, who was stick think no curves or anything. Don't get me wrong, you don't have to have curves to be beautiful, but she just didn't appeal to me. Especially with what she was wearing. It screamed slut. Like, how did she fit in that top? It looked like it was suffocating her. Don't get me started on her shorts, I could see that half of her butt cheek was hanging out. Damn, I thought girls liked to leave some for the imagination? Her face was caked with makeup. I never understood why girls felt the need to wear makeup. Was it to impress guys, or did they have low self-esteem to the point that they didn't think they were beautiful?

'Whoa. Man get a grip. I think you're turning soft on me.' My subconscious said to me, bringing me out of my thoughts. I turned away from the girl and focused on the note in my hand. 

Hey RyRy,

I heard that you wanted a good time, meet me in the bathroom on that abandoned hallway after class. You know the one no one uses unless they want a good time. Bring a condom or two. Cause maybe we'll go for more than one round.

xoxo, Vanessa K.

I instantly stiffened. Looking at the girl who sent the note. I felt the bile rising in my throat as she winked at me. This girl has no class whatsoever. I mean, is sex really that meaningless to her? It's disgusting. I looked at my Sociology teacher making sure that his back was turned. I quickly scribbled on a page in the back of my book, tore it and sent it over to her with a smirk on my face. I let out a chuckle when her face turned crimson red with anger. Soon after, the bell rang and I made my way to exit.

I walked only 3 steps out the door before that Vanessa girl held on to my hand. I gave her a cold stare before ripping my arm from her. I mean, what the fuck does she want. Other than the D. I internally chuckled at myself. Man, was I funny.

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