Chapter 4 - (Ryan's POV)

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To my surprise, the rest of the first day of my senior year went amazingly swell. It turns out I had every single class with Elizabeth. That was supposed to be a great thing, but feeling her death glares on the back of my head was inconsolable.

But, was that a sign? Were the gods trying to tell me to make a move? Haha, I wish. This isn't an unrealistic movie. The gods probably did that just to see me miserable because I wanted someone who I truly could not get, even if I had tried. I was fire and she was ice. I wasn't very sociable, she was very outgoing. She was mulatto, I was white.. nothing wrong there but we were opposites, not polar opposites but opposites non-the-less. That scared me cause my dad use to say "Opposites attract then ATTACK." But the sad part was that my opposite wasn't attracted to me, but she wanted to attack because I was absolutely sure she hated me.

When the bell rang signalling the end of school I ran straight out of Mr. Headley's demonic math class straight to my car. I mean don't get me wrong, I love math, with all my heart. But Mr. Headley was just the Devil's little helper. He would do the worst things like give you a thirty-page worksheet that was to be completed over the weekend. I loved math but not to the point of giving up my life for her.

As I arrived at my car I was met with a sense of regret for rushing out of class. It was extremely hard to dodge these guys when they were concerned or just fucking curious. I thought I had succeeded when I dodged them at lunch, but I was greeted by a cannonade of questions about my fight with Chase earlier that day by my best friends.

"Did he tell you something bad about her?"

"Did he talk about fucking her?"

"Did he say something to offend your manhood?"

"GUYS!" I shouted "He can't talk about fucking her either, Danny my boy, because he hasn't got the goods from her. I knew she wasn't like that. But I wish I wish she were smart to know she's being cheated on.." I stated morosely.

"Motherfucker say what?" Said Nate in an overly feminine voice.

"What do you mean he cheated?" Asked Danny suspiciously with an arched eyebrow.

SHIT, I totally forgot that I was supposed to keep my mouth shut. I mean I hate the guy but I ain't no snitch. But then again isn't this my chance to finally get what I've always wanted? Ha, it'll never happen, I should probably stop daydreaming and tell the boys what happened.

"Danny, please don't run to her and tell her what I said. Because I will shoot you and spit on your grave, but, I'll miss you when you're gone, don't worry" I said ferociously as Danny swallowed hard with a scared look on his face.

I burst out laughing similar to the woodpecker. "Anyway,  over the summer, he came to my house and said he'd be sleeping over, I didn't say no cause I didn't want my parents to take away my baby, you know. But then the next morning I woke to an unpleasant sight of seeing Jessica giving him a blowjob in the guest room... He didn't even clean the sheets afterwards" I said with a tone of disgust.

My best friends looked at me in disbelief.

"I' surprised you haven't killed him," Nate said flabbergasted "Who the fuck taught you self-control? He'd be six feet deep if I liked Elizabeth!"

"Motherfucker shut up, you couldn't even kill an ant." Danny and I said in unison. 

Nate flipped us the middle finger and hopped in my car with Nate. I don't remember giving them permission to step in my baby. Sigh, I don't have time for this.

As I hopped in my car, Elizabeth popped out of nowhere banging on my door. Being very careful I opened my door as I told my buds to stay inside.

"Yes, Elizabeth?" I asked a bit scared.

"Why did you beat up my boyfriend this morning?" She asked incredulously

Shit, did she find out about Jessica? Fuck, I hoped I would have been able to tell her when I gained her trust or it was the right time.

"Are you gonna answer? I don't have all day I got shit to do, way better than talking to you" She impatiently stated.

I don't understand why that had hurt so much, I mean what's better than talking to someone who has been head over heels for you since the day he met you? I wasn't going to let her hurt my feelings like that, she should know that I'm Ryan, the 'baddest' badboy she'll ever meet.

So I simply said, "I felt like it." Hopped in Ana, my car and sped off in the direction of my house.

Why couldn't she see the love I had for her? I beat up my cousin because of what he said about her, if it were anyone else I wouldn't have cared. Why can't she see it?

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