Chapter 6 - Ryan's POV

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Shit! I basically just hinted to Liz that Jessica and Chase were having some sort of affair. In my opinion, I think Chase should just get with Jessica and leave it at that. Not just because he had the love of my life as his girlfriend but also because I've seen the way he looked at Jessica. He looked at her like she was the only thing keeping him together, he was definitely lovestruck and so was Jessica. She looked at him with so much adoration in her eyes that it made me sick. I mean, how could Jessica lie to her best friend every day and not feel an ounce of regret? No matter how much I wanted to lie to Nate and Danny I couldn't-

I was brought back to reality by the thunderous beating down of my door. The only person to do that was none other than my cousin Chase, or mom when she got angry with me for doing something. But seeing as I hinted to Elizabeth yesterday afternoon that Chase was cheating with Jessica, I'm positive that Chase is at my door.

I slowly rose, dreading this conversation with this asshole and opened my door. To be met by a tense looking Chase. He kept clenching and unclenching his fists as if to say he was trying real hard to control his anger.

"What the fuck did you tell her man? I swear if you-"

I cut him off "Firstly, I only told her to ask you why I beat you up. Secondly, why the fuck are you at my house, in my room at 6:00 on a school day?" I said clenching my jaw as I glared at him.

"... Motherfucker. You said you wouldn't tell her anything!" I raised his voice an octave.

"And I didn't now get the fuck out of her. Fucking prick" I said in disgust.

His eyes flashed with anger as he looked affronted. But there was something else, hurt? No.. Guilt. What was he guilty about? What he did to my girl, or the effects of what he did on our friendship? Believe it or not, We were best of friends in elementary school. Sometimes I wished we could go back to the old days, but for that to happen he'd either have to let Elizabeth go or drop Jessica like a sack of potatoes.

"Whatever" he muttered as he turned on his heel to leave. I don't know what I was thinking when I suddenly grabbed his hand, urging him to turn around. But he never did, instead, he just froze.

"We could go back to being best buds, you know?" I said vehemently.

Chase sighed " Wish we could, fam, but you'll hate me forever because I'm fucking Jessica and in a relationship with Elizabeth, the only girl you've ever actually liked," He chuckled a bit "I didn't mean to you know its jus-"

"What do you mean you didn't mean to? You didn't mean to lead on Elizabeth? Cause we both know you don't actually like her, or you didn't mean to fall for Jessica? Don't even try to deny it, I've seen the way you look at her. I just wish you'd stop hurting both Elizabeth and Jessica. Mostly Jessica, because Elizabeth doesn't know" I said trying my best not to hate him because he was still family.

"Both." Chase said with a pained expression. He turned on his heel and left without another word.

 At that moment, I didn't know whether or not Chase was fucking with me or honestly regretted what he had done. It was the first time we've had a civil conversation in a long while.


"Ryan, breakfast is ready!" mom shouted.

I never understood why she always insisted on having breakfast with me. Once she was on a business trip and she flew back for only 3 hours just to have breakfast with me. I honestly thought it was creepy, but I appreciated it, as my mom was a very busy woman. She ran her own company called Porter Enterprises, they specialized in marketing. Looking at my mom you'd never think she held a powerful position in the world, being one of the top ten richest females in the world. I was proud of my mom, to say the least, she was a true 'rags to riches' story. She went from being homeless to going to Harvard then on to owning a fortune 500 company.

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