Chapter 28

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Justizanstalt Josefstadt Prison, Vienna, 11: 40 am

Giggs patted the Assassin on the back, "great work Broderick!"

"Don't call me that," the Assassin fired, just as he would fire a bullet into his victims, straight into the heart. Quick, clean and precise, this was also his motto.

"Ew..." expressed Giggs, raising his foot to bring it closer to his face for better visibility. Apparently, he had stepped on a pool of somebody's blood.

The Assassin didn't even smile; he never had smiled from the heart ever since he swore to become what he was now. A dark past bore into everybody there was in the organization. Some secrets were so dark that they were never shared with anyone.

"This was my last kill for you all. Now the money," he said, morphing his accent from an English one to that of an American.

"Ten million dollars transferred to your account. Nice doing business with you."

"Always was,"

The Assassin then left the building, never to be heard from again.

Giggs looked as the man who did all their dirty work for them stroll out of sight.

Then he realized something wrong. Sadowsky was still left back.

"Hey!" Giggs called out.

The Assassin whirled around, annoyed with his delay in departure.

"How does another fifty grand sound?" Giggs offered.

The Assassin bit his lip, "who is it now?"

"Sadowsky. Benjamin Sadowsky."

* * *

Cecilio Homes, Milan, Italy, 11:58 am

Sophia's dramatically wiped sweat off her forehead. Her expression indicating that she had a mammoth task on her hands. It was no regular task; this one had the potential to take out hundreds, if not, thousands of lives.

Her grandfather's behavior was eerily similar to that right before the September eleven attacks that took place in the United States. The highlight was the downing of the twin towers.

From the sky will come the great King of Terror.

Sophia worked as a professor of European Medieval history in a college in Milan. Her grandfather had seemingly predicted the September eleven attacks just days before it actually happened.

A sixteenth century prophet named Michel de Nostradamus or more popularly known as just 'Nostradamus' was famous for many future predictions, his most popular being Nine-Eleven.

She wondered what the world had in store now. She pulled a paperback copy of the 'Propheties de Noftradamus' a book published by the prophet himself, from her shelf. She flipped through the pages until she found a prophecy.

Out of the country of Greater Arabia

Shall be born a strong master of Mohammed

He will enter Europe wearing a blue turban

He will be the terror of mankind

Never more horrors.

Sophia gasped; she had seen the news about the string of attacks in Geneva and Vienna. Her heart beated faster with each passing second. The next page almost gave her a heart attack.

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees

Fire approaches the great new city.

By fire he will destroy their city,

A cold and cruel heart

Blood will pour, mercy to none.

"What the hell?" she whispered, biting her lip. She wondered if the lines that she had just read meant a possible nuclear attack.

What could forty-five degrees mean?

A realization struck her, "latitude or longitude!" she squealed to herself and ran to find the world map. She first spotted the latitude of forty-five degrees and dragged her finger from the right to the left, searching for any major city. And then she found it.

New York.

* * *

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