Chapter 33

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Klassisch Resort, Vienna, 12:45 pm

"The ambience here is terrible," complained Lucia.

Jerome shot her a scowl, "Oh! I'm sorry we couldn't book a five-star hotel mademoiselle!"

"Both of you shut up," intervened Sadowsky, as got the keys handed over to him by the receptionist. He glanced once more at the room number. "One-o-eight, my lucky number."

They took the elevator although their room was only on the first floor. "You know, we should have taken the stairs, they help burn calories." Jerome's body was slim; he was probably so intent on keeping it that way he tried not to do anything that could jeopardize it.

Lucia raised an eyebrow, "Look at you! You're so thin,"

"If I do it once, I'll make a habit of it and next thing you know I'm obese,"

"Oh please, you're being overprotective of yourself,"

"Hey guys..."

Both Lucia's and Jerome's heads spun towards Sadowsky, who was wearing an annoyed expression. "If you haven't noticed, we're here,"

Their faces flushed as they made their way to the room.

* * *

The Assassin landed his feet onto the velvet carpet, scanning the area. Sadowsky. Benjamin Sadowsky.

He had tracked him to the hotel, thanks to his brilliant hacking skills. A young woman dressed in the hotel's standard uniform approached him, "Welcome sir, May I help you?"

"The cheapest room you've got for a two night stay, think that'll be okay?" The Assassin lied. He was alright in spending a small amount of money. His reward would do more than just cover up for that.

The woman was irked by such an informal answer, then looked to her right and pointed towards the reception table, "Yes"

He tried to slip through undetected by going into the elevator, but to his luck, there was a steward over there.

"Good afternoon!" greeted the steward.

The Assassin managed a fake smile, "You too,"

"Which floor sir?"

The Assassin shot a quick glance at the highlighted number on the panel, "third floor"

"Which room?"

"Three-o-two," he blurted out randomly.

The steward grinned wide annoyingly, "Oh! So you are the one who has ordered the seafood platter!" glancing down at the trolley that he was holding.

He drew a short breath; the steward clearly noticed something wrong, "Is everything alright sir?"

The Assassin pressed the top of his nose with the help of his thumb and index finger, "I'm sorry, actually I'm in room number three-o-seven, I don't know why I said three-o-two,"

The steward gave his annoying grin once again, "Oh! No problem! It happens at times!"

Yeah, sure it does.

As the elevator opened up, The Assassin walked out first and towards his fake room. He looked for a comfortable spot to set up his hacking system. It was found inside a janitor's closet, which he later locked from the inside.

As soon he was done prepping everything up, his laptop picked up an open Wi-Fi router which belonged to the hotel, an amenity that all guests were privileged to.

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