Chapter 13

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Gold Horizon Hotel, Vienna, 8:10 am

Mohammed sat in the passenger's seat of the Mercedes SUV with Nicholas in the driver's seat and Giggs, Sadowsky and Subramanian in the back as the SUV strolled out the parking lot of their Hotel.

Giggs was on his laptop, he had hacked into the government database of all banks in Vienna. He was also slightly annoyed by the fact that the government had not focused much on their cyber division, making them vulnerable to dangerous cyber crimes that could leave them completely handicapped.

What idiots.

The sour fact was, barely anybody did. He could hack into the pentagon this very moment but decided not to as it could expose a secret he wanted to keep from the US Government. It had been successful for so long and it would have to stay that way.


He shifted his focus back to the banks. There were many Polish immigrants who bore the name of Sadowsky in this city. He just had to find the one with the first name as Benjamin.

He ran a search in the entire database under the name of 'Sadowsky Benjamin' and within seconds, he got the address of the bank.

"Bingo!" Giggs said aloud, swaying his finger from side-to-side.

Subramanian whirled to his left and peered into the illuminated screen.

"It's Karl Banks," pointed Giggs.

Subramanian turned his face towards him like a corkscrew and peered into his eyes. Giggs could immediately tell that he was annoyed about something.

"Apparently, I can read."

Giggs nodded but with regret as his senior highlighted his mistake. It seemed that he had always been subjugated by either Subramanian or Mohammed, which was ironic, as history would say. It was the British who had conquered India and Persia. Now, it was the Indians and Persians who had conquered him.

This sucks.

Subramanian and Mohammed were always fighting for top spot. Each of them wanted to be number one, Subramanian currently had control over the throne but it wouldn't last, there were always fluctuations between the two. It sort of reminded him of the FIFA Ballon d'or winners. It would either be Messi or Ronaldo. The others didn't even have a prayer.

"Nicholas," called out Subramanian.

"Yes, sir?" responded the butler.

"Head for Wollzeille road and stop at Karl Bank Union," commanded the head of the organisation and his butler acknowledged without any signs of doubt or suspicion.

Giggs knew that the butler was not in on their plan. He didn't question his motives because it was the tendency of all British butlers, to do their work without questioning anything. He felt some remorse for the butler as he felt that his job was completely boring, empty with nothing to do.

Some job.

He decided to look away from the laptop screen for a while to refresh his eyes and at the same time trying to make a decision that would come as a shock to everyone.

* * *

FBI Jet, Over the Atlantic Ocean, 8:27 am (1:47 pm Local time)

Eisenhower stared outside the Cessna Longitude, ignoring its sleek and exuberant design to admire the clouds and the sky.

He was hardly admiring it. His thoughts were more on the current crisis. This was his toughest assignment yet, let alone his, probably for all of the FBI. They had never encountered anything like this before. Whoever they were, they were well funded and strategized. Perhaps, he thought that they could identify their assets through the audio file but it turned out to be a complete waste of their time.

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