Chapter 21

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Cecilio Homes, Milan, Italy, 10:02 am

Sophia knocked on the oak wood once more, not expecting any reply. Why is he doing this? The guests were due to arrive any second. She couldn't make a bad impression.

She had an ominous feeling of Déjà Vu. The events that took place in the past few days were familiar to her. But she couldn't recall when.

Her grandfather had locked himself inside three days ago; he had only taken a few glasses of water and some bread, nothing else. She still freshly remembered what he had told him last time.

Dark days are coming.

Sophia shuddered at that thought. He was perfectly normal before; she couldn't figure out what set him off, and once again, it was vaguely familiar.

The bell rang in her ears. The guests had arrived and her grandfather was still locked inside. She let out a deep sigh.

She made her way to the door and swung it open. She tried her best to keep her expression enthusiastic and happy.

"Hello Sophia dear!" greeted one of the two guests, a woman who looked to be in her late fifties.

"Welcome Fabiana zia!"

The man beside Fabiana gave a hard smile; his thoughts seemed to be hovering elsewhere.

"Where is papa?" he finally said, voicing his thoughts aloud.

Sophia's smile turned upside down, "I don't know...he's been acting strangely in the past few days..."

The two guests frowned as well, Fabiana place her hand on Sophia's shoulder, "Why? What's wrong?"

Sophia placed her hand on her forehead and pressed it, "He's locked himself inside a room. He hasn't been behaving like this ever since-"

She stopped cold in her tracks and felt a ball of ice form in her stomach as a grave realisation struck her.

Fabiana squeezed Sophia's shoulder, "ever since...when?"

Sophia looked up, now she had truly understood what her grandfather had really meant.

"Ever since right before nine-eleven,"

* * *

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