Chapter 18

752 90 2

Wollzeille Road, Vienna, 9:47 am

Gomez and his seven men slowly crept up the stairs of the building. Taking caution with every step, their enemy could strike from anywhere, anytime. But there was an eerie silence prevailing in the atmosphere. It was like the silence of no souls.

"This place is creepy as shit!" exclaimed one of men. No one paid him any attention. Gomez rolled his eyes. Dumbass.

As soon as they reached the first floor, Gomez signalled two of his men two enter offices one and two. The whole lane was actually a business lane. The building that they were raiding was relatively new. Very few had bought spaces here and those who did were still setting it up.

He sent another pair to check upstairs. After two minutes of waiting for results, he received them. The terrorists had fled the scene. But how?

He didn't have time to wonder about their escapades. When he looked around to check on all his men he found out that they were one man short.

Things were getting creepy for real. The same man who had stated the fact had spoken up once more, "man... shit just got real," this time, quoting from the movie 'Bad Boys'.

"Shut your pie-hole!" commented another.

There was moment of stunned silence, no one dared to speak up, as if a godly force was keeping everyone's mouth shut.

Then a roar pierced the silence a like shard piercing through a glass pane. Gomez's lost man had returned back screaming continuously while sprinting down the stairs.

"Bloody Christ! Bloody Christ!"

Gomez gripped the frightened man's collar, glaring into his eyes. "What the hell's wrong?!" He wiped sweat off his forehead before answering.

"This place is about to explode."

Oh shit. Gomez had to make a decision fast, otherwise people would die, businesses would be down, dreams shattered.

He took one of his men, Mulder, who was a bomb disposal expert, along with him. The rest were to evacuate the premises. As soon as they reached the bomb, both of them knew it was too late.

They had only ten seconds left.





Gomez prayed for a miracle that would never come.




"Santa Maria. Santa Maria. Santa Maria..."


"God bless us," muttered Mulder.


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