Chapter 30

667 81 6

Vienna Police HQ, Vienna, 12:17 pm

Eisenhower slammed his fist onto the rectangular glass table in front him, rattling Mavis and Gabriel.

What the-?

"Damn! What the hell?! Is that even possible? How is it-" But Mavis's compelling glance never allowed him to finish his complaints. Never mind.

Abruptly, his leadership persona took over, "get me your professor's number. It's the only way we can at least try contacting them," he ordered, pointing his finger at Gabriel.

Gabriel didn't disobey and yanked his iPhone out of his yellow Gap jacket. Eisenhower grabbed the phone out his hands and didn't even bother to spare him a glance.

The phone rang and rang and rang. To nobody's surprise, no one picked up.

The FBI Agent hurled the expensive iPhone into the air, blinded by an uncontrollable rage; he saw no mercy for others.

"Shit! Why you'd do that man?! Huh?! You think you can just throw anybody's phone? An iPhone?! Shit man! You gotta pay for that!" burst out Gabriel.

Eisenhower didn't keep quiet, his authority was rarely questioned. Being an FBI Agent meant high authority, not someone who could be yelled at. As a result, he retaliated with thrice as much rage.

The butt of his Automag pistol slammed into Gabriel's forehead, rupturing his slim skin and allowing blood to profusely flow down like a raging waterfall in the season of spring.

Gabriel's world started to get blurry, anxious voices slowly drifting away and two figures got fuzzier and fuzzier until everything was wiped clean.


* * *

Mavis froze as she just witnessed Eisenhower reveal the monster within him spring out like a praying mantis. She trembled with a cold fear, " could you?"

"Shut up," he grunted, acting as if nothing had just happened. "Look at him. He's fine!" he said, pointing to an unconscious body with a bleeding wound. A worried expression was written all over his face; he then raised hand and began to shake him, "see?"

Gabriel still didn't move.

Mavis staggered back and clamped her mouth in fear and disgust, tears visibly streaming down her pale cheeks, all drained of the pinkish shade they once had.

"Is-is...he dead?" she managed with her throat tied up in a knot.

Eisenhower didn't answer her question. Instead, he just banged his head to the glass pane in front of them. "Goddamn, goddamn, goddamn, god...damn!" and kicked the table as he let out the last syllable out of his stubborn breath.

The kick only brought pain to himself, but he managed to contain it as he didn't want to make a scene, not that Mavis was going to burst out laughing anyway but he did his best to maintain his reputation.

A deep groaning sound caught them both off guard. To their relief, Gabriel hadn't died after all. Normally, a man who had just come out of unconsciousness and was clutching his profusely bleeding wound would bring fear to people's minds but it brought relief to Mavis and Eisenhower.

While Mavis assisted Gabriel to the sink, Eisenhower stood their regretting everything he had just done.

Maybe I should buy him a new phone...

One of the officers came in walking briskly with a white towel in her hands, simultaneously shooting an intimidating glance at Eisenhower. If she said anything to him, he was sure that she would say, you monster.

"Hey kid!" he called out, Gabriel shot up immediately and stuck his head out the restroom.

"Gimme your bank account number. I'll give you a few hundred bucks," he offered.

Gabriel's eyes widened, suddenly, securing his wound was no longer significant.

"Deal done."

* * *

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