Chapter 45

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Vienna Police HQ, Vienna, 4:47 pm

It took only five minutes of watching TV for the whole place to go frantically searching for Sadowsky when they should have been doing it hours ago.

Gabriel began eavesdropping on a conversation between Eisenhower and one of the police officials.

"Brief me on what happened," demanded the FBI Agent.

"Their broadcasting signal was strong enough to overpower the local one. It's been done before and has been termed as 'hijacking frequency'."

Eisenhower drew a short breath, "What was the location where they demanded Sadowsky?"

"At Saint Stephen's Cathedral, off the road parallel to Wollzeille, where the first attack took place."

"Okay, here's what I want happening," spoke up the FBI Agent, revealing his leadership persona, "Somebody bring a map of the place."

The official barked orders at one of his men to bring a map of the desired area, a minute later it arrived.

Eisenhower pulled out a pen from his chest pocket and uncapped it, "I want an area of hundred meters cordoned off," drawing a circle around the city's landmark. "Once our men get in, I want barricades of ten men blocking each entrance, am I clear?"

The official nodded, "Yes sir."

Eisenhower marked three buildings surrounding the cathedral, "I want snipers here, here and here," he demanded, pointing out specifically to each building.

"Alright sir."

He was about to explain the plan when the TV screen's stopped displaying the news and instead, it displayed static, which slowly faded away to reveal the same dark figure.

The television's frequency got hijacked once again.

"I'm sorry to disturb you at this hour, but I've something important to inform you. If our man isn't delivered by eight-o-clock, then you will have an excellent fireworks show." A live feed appeared of a bomb in a parking lot. The dark figure continued while the officials struggled to keep their jaw from dropping down, "No armed men will be near the cathedral from a hundred meter radius. Also, no civilians please; Sadowsky must be the only one. Good luck." And the feed ended.

"Looks like this job got a bit more tougher," Gabriel heard Eisenhower say.

Gabriel knew that whatever happened, they were going to go through to the cathedral. He was prepared to enter the medieval structure to find out about the big picture and end the enigma once and for all.

He could tell Mavis wanted to too. She was trying to get a little rest after a hectic day so far. He knew it would be rude to wake her up so suddenly, after all, she deserved it. She was still in the room, using her arms to adjust her neck in the right position for a good rest.

* * *

Saint Stephen's Cathedral, Vienna, 4:51 pm

"That should deal with that problem," mentioned Lorssen.

"It'll be great to see that bomb go off," wished Mohammed.

"Don't let the mindset of your Islamic brothers take over yours," said Subramanian, cutting in.

"Don't compare me with them," snapped the Arab.

They were hiding away from the public eye, in an underground vault built by the workers of Prince Eugene of Savoy after his death. Soon, the officials would clear the whole area.

The cathedral was known for its catacombs, crypts and tombs. It had been surrounded by cemeteries in its earliest times. Around the 12th Century, which was somewhere in the Roman Era. Just over a thousand years after the death of Nero, who was considered to be the world's first Antichrist. Then came along Hitler in the 20th Century.

According to Ashoka's prediction, there too, will be an Antichrist rising in the 21st Century itself. That was an uncomforting thought.

Recently, the United States had their president elected, a terrible choice it was. An ex-business tycoon was elected POTUS, which is an acronym for President of the United States.

His name was Baxter, now President Baxter. He was a racist maniac and made irrational comments against the minorities of the country. But those who were originally from the country thought of him as some sort of 'Messiah', somebody who could save the nation from the evils of the Islamic State.

But that was the main ingredient for a nuclear World War.

All the pieces of the puzzle were gradually falling into place, and reveal the big picture what many ancients saw coming hundreds of years ago.

Pondering over those thoughts made them all uneasy. After all, that was they were here for, to prevent that scenario. Even if it meant spilling blood.

Subramanian knew that everybody was thinking of the same thing when all was quiet for a brief moment.

"If they predicted the end, wouldn't they have predicted us trying hopelessly?" asked Mohammed, proving Subramanian's assumption right.

The ex-physicist chuckled, "No-no, it's all about probability. There's a chance of that prediction coming true. Either it happens, or it doesn't. Maybe in that parallel universe, The Nine never existed and World War Three would have kicked off, but we're not sure, and its best we try to prevent that risk."

Both Lorssen and Mohammed raised their eyebrows, gesturing that they were impressed.

Loud signals blared, but got muffled as the vibrations penetrated the tomb and into the underground vault. They had begun the evacuation.

They could hear rapidly pacing footsteps, whistles of officers, and imagined the scene above their heads. People were running including tourists, historians, priests and all the rest.

After several minutes all became silent.

"How's the girl?" asked Lorssen through his walkie-talkie.

"Slightly more violent than normal," came the reply.

* * *

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