Chapter 27

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Florianigiasse Road, Vienna, 11:34 am

Sadowsky's happiness was inexplicable. After almost twenty hours of been captured, tortured, framed he had finally broken the shackles of solitary confinement. A rush of dopamine gave him a rewarding feeling.

Just then, a taxi came to screeching halt in front of him, almost throwing him off his feet. "No more surprises," he grumbled to himself under his breath.

As the door swung open he witnessed Lucia Del Piero step out and take his breath away. Damn! How the hell?

He had witnessed way too many surprises in the past twenty hours, and compared to the others, this was nothing.

Lucia stepped out with mixed emotions written all over her face. Fear, happiness, anxiety and even a hint of anger. Another young man stepped out after Lucia, Sadowsky faintly remembered him. Jerome Courtois. He turned around to pay the taxi driver and he later sped off, leaving them all alone.

"You stupid idiot. Why did you leave me like that? You're stupid you know that?" said Lucia.

Sadowsky didn't know what to say. His throat was tied up in knot.

Then she forgot about all that had happened and squeezed Sadowsky with all her might and never loosened her grip.

"Don't let me go this time,"

Sadowsky's lips curled up into a warm smile, "I won't. Not now, not ever," with his chin on her head.

He continued, "It's a long story,"

Lucia just sunk deeper into his huge arms, "Not needed,"

All of a sudden Sadowsky's mind wandered off to the origin of his captors. He ran through his memory again and again but could not find anything.

His arms let go of Lucia, "get me a phone. Now," but she just gave him a perplexed look with wrinkled brows. What?

Jerome yanked his Motorola and handed it over to Sadowsky. "Does it have internet?" he inquired. "Can't live without it," Jerome answered, rolling his eyes.

Sadowsky ran a search on Google with the key words 'Ashoka', 'nine' and 'brotherhood'.

He quickly received the results thanks to a good range, and when he did, he gasped, almost losing his grip on the phone and dropping it on the ground.

He covered his face with his palms, muttering only one word several times.

"No, no, no, no, no!"

* * *

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