Day Twelve: Making Out

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            Dean and Elena came and went when it came to PDA. There would be times when they would hardly touch each other outside of the bunker walls. A single look would be enough to know how much they cared. They didn't need to hold hands in the grocery store or kiss on every corner. All they needed was a reassuring nod or a soft smile to keep they're hearts beating as one.

            Then they would go through phases where they couldn't take they're hands off each other, no matter if they were in public or not. They would act like the stereotypical lovey-dovey couple prancing through the street, kissing and holding onto each other as if they could never get enough. It was intoxicating, the feeling of skin on skin too good to let go of.

            Sam hated when they were in one of those phases. Sure he was happy that his brother had finally found someone worth spending the rest of his life with, but that didn't mean he wanted to see it. It was kind of disgusting to watch his big brother run his hands up Elena's thighs or slide his tongue against her bottom lip.

            Dean and Elena were in one of these phases when they all went to hunt a revenge-seeking witch. The googly-eyed couple was far more focused on each other than on the task at hand.

            "Guys, can we please focus," Sam groans, tipping his head back against the booth. The three were seated in an old diner, the purpose of figuring out a plan of attack already forgotten. "What happened to making a plan?"

            "I'm doing plenty of planning right now," Dean purrs, bumping his nose against Elena's temple. She giggles, turning to whisper something in his ear dirty enough to make him blush.

            "Oh come on," Sam whines. "You guys are disgusting."

            "Hey, I didn't say anything," Elena defends, smiling around the mint gum she was chewing. "At least not out loud."

            Chuckling, Dean snakes his arms around her waist and pulls her closer. He just couldn't get close enough to her. Everything about her made his blood pound. The taste of her mint gum against his tongue, the smell of her shampoo, the feeling of her skin beneath his hands... He couldn't get enough.

            "Alright, can we just try to make a plan? This witch is just getting started. There are a bunch of other people on this list who wronged her, and she hasn't even gone through half of them yet," Sam says, flipping through the file in front of him. "I don't know how we're gonna—Dean come on."

            "Sorry, sorry," Dean mutters, moving his mouth away from Elena's ear. Her cheeks are already bright red, her legs tightly crossed as she attempts to relieve some sort of tension. "I was just filling Elena in on all the things we could be doing in that bathroom over there."

            "Dude! Come on," Sam says, frowning. "My ears are burning."

            "You are such a prude," Dean teases, taking Elena's hand. "You might want to close your eyes, baby bro."

            Without any other warning, Dean cups the back of Elena's neck and pulls her in for a kiss. It's sloppy, all teeth and tongue. It takes Elena's breath away, sending her over the edge into an intoxicated state that only Dean can put her in. By the time Dean pulls back, Elena's eyes are wide and her skin is flushed, heat pooled deep in her belly.

            "My eyes! My eyes!" Sam covers his eyes dramatically, desperately trying to rid himself of that image. "You two have scarred me for life!"

            "Stop being such a baby," Dean says, obviously very proud of himself.

            "You really left me hanging there, Dean," Elena mutters, bumping him with her elbow. "But could I have my gum back now?"

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