chapter 19

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Layla's POV

I hate that girl and her stupid sister. Me, Donna, and Mia use to be best friends. After Mia and Donna started fighting. Then her moving away I made new friends. Amber was just so perfect in everybody's eye's. Even a jock like Kyle and Josh wanted her. I dont get it really how Ms.Holly took her side over mind and she didn't even lie. Maybe going after her boyfriend was a bad idea but hell his hot. So now because of her I'm stuck at home with my workaholic mom and dad. They didnt care i was kicked out. So now I'm off to the mall with my friends.

My friends and i get to the mall by the time school is out. What to know way these bitches had to be at school. Amber abd her group was sitting on a bunch talking and laughing. I walked up to her and punched her in the face.

"Thats what you get bitch." I yelled

"Layla that was weak. You punch like the pussy you are." She said and her friends started laughing. "Like i said layla stay the hell away from me slut. I anit gonna put up with you and you bullshit." She finished and walked away.

"Layla your gonna let her talk to you like that. You need to get back at that bitch." Chloe said

"Im gonna leave her be not trying get my face fucked up." I told her

Ambers POV

The bitch punched me not that it hurt or anything. I just cant believe she just hit me. Josh and everyone laughed as we were walking to our cars.

"That bitch needs to fuck off." I said

"Amber i cant believe she had the guts to hit you." Shawn said

We get to my house and all jump out of the cars. Josh and shawn went to the kitchen to garb us some snacks. While me and donna changed. Donna put on black sleeping shorts and a purple tanktop. I did to but i had pink and blue on. Once we were dressed we went down to the living room. Donna sat on shawns lap. I went and sat next to josh. He took his arm and pulled my closer.

The movie was on and the boys had to go home. I went up to my room and layed down. My phone started to ring i picked it up without looking at who was calling.

Hello i said


What do you want kyle

I want you back amber

Not happening im back with Josh

I know this but please i love you Amber

Bye kyle

Wait its killing me to see you with him.

I have to go im sorry.

I disconnected the call and I thought about Kyle. Then i thought about Josh and mia. What have i became? I finally fell asleep around 1:30.


I wake up the next morning by my alarm clock. Forgetting I had school I throw my alarm clock and broke it. Then just when i thought i can go back to sleep. Donna comes jumping on my bed.

"Hey bitch get the hell up we have school." She yelled i groaned but got up anyways.

I went to the bathroom and jumped in the shower. When done i got dress and did my make up. Once i was ready i went downstairs and got in my car. Donna got in next then we were off.

"So Kyle called my last night." I said

"What did he want now." She said

"Me. He still loves me." I said

She looks up shocked. She didnt say anything esle to me. We got to school 10 mons later. Before i got out she talked.

"You need to tell Josh he called you. You also be to sit and talk to Kyle, but only if josh says okay." She said and got out of the car.

I get out of the car and head to my locker. When I got to my locker both Kyle and Josh. The stand there glaring at each other. What the hell man?

I walk up and they both stop to looking at me. Josh came over and kissed me. I pulled away thinking what the hell!!

"What the fuck Josh." I yelled

"I just want this jackass to know your mine." he yelled back

"One i dont belong to you or you." i said pointing to them. "And a matter of fact y'all are acting like fucking babys. Grow the fuck up then you both can talk to me." I yelled. As i was about to walk off josh grabbed my arm.

"Fucking let me go Josh." I screamed

"What the hell is your problem Amber?" he yelled.

"You and Kyle can't y'all stop acting like I dont see how y'all act. Oh and kyle called me last night wanting me back." I yell loud and clear.

I pull away from Josh and ran off. I ran into someone and the someone had to be wade. Fuck my life.

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