chapter 8

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I couldn't tell you how much my life sucked 3 months ago. But I can't tell you how much better my life is now. Donna and shawn are dating and Shawn couldn't be happier. Me and Josh are still together.

I was walking down the hallway when I saw Josh talking to Mia. He was so close to her I was about to break down and cry. He put her long brown hair behide her ear. They laugh and smiled. Josh turned he head and saw me standing there watching them. His smile dropped and he walked over to me. I backed up as he tried to touch me.

"Amber it's not what it looks like." He said trying clam me down.

"What my boyfriend flirting with the girl who make my life hell. That what its fucking looks like josh how dare you fucking lie." I yelled

"We were talking okay." He said

"Bullshit tell the fuckin truth now." I yelled

"Fine Amber you are just my best friend I don't want to be with you anymore. You nothing but a stupid emo girl I was never your friend. I never loved you. No one fucking wants you around. I don't even want to see you face anymore. Amber go do what you do best and go kill yourself." He yelled with full coldness

I dropped my books and started running down the hallway. Tear falling full force down my face. Why did I fall in love with him he just lied to my face the hold time. I ran until I ran into something hard. I looked up to see Kyle. He picked me up and got hugged me. I hugged back and I felt safe for once.

"What's wrong amber." He asked

"Josh and Mia hallway flirting lies." I said trying to finger out why I'm crying.

"Breath sweetheart." He said

"I saw your sister and Josh in the hallway flirting and laughing. Then josh told me he didn't love me and to go kill myself." I told him as tears fell down my face.

Kyle's POV

I'm gonna kill him first I need someone to keep her from doing something stupid. I picked up my phone and I called the one person I can trust.

Donna its Amber meet us by the front door bring Shawn.

What's going on with my sister kyle

I'll tell you when you get here okay

Fine we are coming

The called ended and I held Amber as close as I can. I just hope she going to be okay I love her with all my heart. I swear I'm gonna kill him. She had enough heartache to last her a life time. Five minutes later Donna and shawn came running over to us. Shawn ran to Amber's side. I get up ready to go find josh to go kill him but Donna stopped me.

"What happened and tell me now." She demand

"She ran into me with tears falling down her face. I asked her what happened. She said she saw Josh and Mia flirting. Then Josh told her that he never loved her and to go kill herself." I said looking back at her I just want to make her pain go away.

"I'm gonna kill him." She yelled

"I need you to stay with her so I can go do that. I don't want you hurt okay stay here and keep her from hurting herself okay." I told her

I walked off and send to the café to find him. He was sitting at he table with Mia on his lap smiling and laughing. Then they kissed and I walked up to him and punched him as hard as I can. He got up and punched me back. I kick him and punched him over and over. He grabbed my throat and thrown me to the ground I got up and punched him again.

"Your a fucking asshole you made everyone believe you loved her. You fucking lied to her now she is more broken because of you." I screamed

"Because she a slut don't you know our friendsjip was a lie just like everything else. I did it to watch her fall apart and then laugh. I don't love her and I never have." He yelled

"Then why did you date her if your didn't love her." I screamed

"To see you hurt and is was priceless." He laughed

I punched him again and again. Before someone pulled me off of him. I want kill him but I'll let him live right now. My sister is happy but I don't like the guy anymore. I'm gonna kill him a swaer if I see him by my girl ever again. I pulled away and left the café and walked back to where I left Amber with Donna.

"Hey is she okay." I asked falling by her side she let go of Shawn and hugged me.

"Heart broken his my best friend and I hate him amber comes first after Donna. These two girls are my world." Shawn said

"Guy don't hurt him anymore then kyle already did." Amber said

"How did you know baby girl." I said her

"Your face I know u punched him and he fought back." She said looking up at me.

"I really love you amber of course I hurt him. I wanted to kill him but I didn't." I told her as I kissed her head.

"Let bring her home I don't think she wants to see Josh's face." Donna said grabing Shawn's hand and I picked up Amber.

Josh's POV

Omg what have I done I hurt my kitty. Mia said if I didn't break up with her she would hurt her. I don't want my kitty hurt and I hate that Kyle is the one protecting her. I souls be the one hitting guys for her. I hope she doesn't kill herself I need to see her. I jumped in my car and went to her house. I got out of the car and seen that kyles car was here. I knocked and the door opened to face one pissed off dad and Kyle.


"Let me explain please." I bagged

"Fine you got fine minutes." He said

"Mia come up to me this morning and told me to break up with Amber and date her. Or she will kill her and I didn't want to lose her. She told me to say those things or she would still kill her." I told him

"I'm gonna kill her." Donna said running out of the house jumping in her car.

"Donna don't you dare stay here." Mr.Coleman yelled

"Can I talk to her please." I asked

"Make it quick." He said

I walked over to a heart broken girl. I just wanted to hug her and tell her its gonna be okay.

"Amber I'm sorry I want to safe and being with me won't keep you safe. Move on and I promise we can be together again." I told her

"You broke my heart Josh and your world just killed me. I don't care if Mia kills me I'm already dead." She said not ever looking at me.

"Don't say that." I said

"But it's the truth if I didn't have everyone watching me I would go and kill myself right now. Like you wanted Joshua." She said. She called me Joshua she never did that and that fuckin hurt like a bitch.

"Kitty please." I bugged

"Don't call me kitty and get out of my house I never want to see you again." She yelled

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