chatper 11

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Its been two months since we seen Mia. I have not dated any boys. Josh went back to being my best friend. Donna and Shawn are still together and here I am thinking. What if I never broke up with kyle would I be happy or sad like I am right now.

My long black and pink hair was up in a pony tail. I had my all time low shirt on. With my half black half blue skinny jeans. I walked down the hall to my locker to grab my books for class. When I saw Kyle looking at me like he never saw my dressed like this before. For crying out loud people call me emo. So I went I dressed like one plus the style is pretty kick ass. I love the music and the clothes. So why not? Who is it hurting that I dress like this. As I pulled my books out I felt arms around my waist. I turned around to see Josh.

"Hey my Amber kitty. How's my best friend today." He asked with love in his eye. I just ignored it.

"I'm doing fine Kyle keeps looking at me. Ugh its not like you haven't seen me dress like this before." I said kind annoyed.

"I don't think its the clothes love. You look beautiful today." Shawn said walking up with my sister at his side.

"Omg did you hear there is gonna be a new kid." Donna said.

"Really when maybe its a boy who is hot and not these two idiots." I said jokely.

"Hey I have you know I got a beautiful girlfriend that loves me right babe." Shawn said looking at Donna. We look at each other and laughed so hard I thought I was crying.

"Babe I love you but Amber is right your an idiot." She laughed.

"Hey that not really nice you know." He said giving have the puppy face.

"I know but what kind of girl would I be if I lied." She said.

"A good one." He said.

I stop listening to them after awhile. I closed my locker and started for my class. Before I got there I ran into a hard chest. Before I I could fall he helped me up. I looked into his light baby blue eyes. He had blond hair with snake bites. He was wearing a bring my the hozion shit. With black skinny jeans. On my god was he hot.

"Hey sorry about I wasn't looking where I was going." I said to him.

"Its okay. It not everyday a beautiful girl just falls right into my arms." He said and I smiled.

"I'm Amber I'm the schools emo girl and my twin Donna is the queen bee of the school." I said not looking into he amazing eyes.

"I'm Wade the new kid." He said omg omg I didn't just run into the hot new kid did I.

"I'm so sorry I didn't even see you. God I'm so stupid." I said mostly to myself.

"Its okay you know. I don't think I'll fit in here I'm also emo." He said

"I could have not guessed at all. Not like your clothes gave it away or anything." I said and he just laughed.

"You pretty cool Amber." He told me.

"I don't get that a lot you know. What class do you have right now. I asked as I looked at his schedule. "Oh you got mostly ever class with me and my two best friends and my sister."

"Cool so your sister looks just like you." He asked.

"We did till I went all emo on her." I said laughing as we walked to class. This is gonna be fun Josh is gonna flip ass. When he see the new guy is hot and into me.

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