150>Make It Better

Start from the beginning

Tiffany needs to suppress her moans as she remembers they were still standing at the door, she bites and sucks the side of Taeyeon's neck, making the girl groans.

"tiffany...you're getting wet"
Taeyeon can feel the moist rubbing against her fingers.
Tiffany wanted to cuss so badly as Taeyeon stops the rubbing all of a sudden, but she did not when she knows why Taeyeon do so, she was already carried to their bed. Gently placing her lover down on the bed, Taeyeon proceed into climbing onto bed, as her eyes did not take off from Tiffany's.

Taeyeon was about to lean downwards to start kissing Tiffany again, but she's been stop as Tiffany held onto her shoulders, "TaeTae...where did you went just now?"

"not now" taeyeon groans, she uses her force to lean down and starts kissing every part of Tiffany's neck.

"Tae...." Tiffany sighs, but she grasp Taeyeon's shoulders tightly, "...please"
Hearing another annoyed groan from Taeyeon, she finally stops making out and leans up, looking at Tiffany.

"taetae....you came home and you changed...where did you go, baby?" Tiffany touches Taeyeon's fringe, pushing it upwards, Tiffany smiles looking at Taeyeon's fluster red cheeks.

"home" Taeyeon answers shortly.

"I'll be taking a break-"


"I'll be away for 3 days or more"

Tiffany sits up, ended up Taeyeon sitting on her lap, "you're leaving me, TaeTae?"
"I think we need a break" Taeyeon sighs.
Tiffany shakes her head in disbelief, "so what is all this???"

Taeyeon climbs off from straddling Tiffany's lap, sitting not far in front of Tiffany, "what?"

"you know what I mean" Tiffany's eyebrows scrunches closely together, looking at Taeyeon in huge disbelief and small disappointment running inside her heart now.

"you should ask if you want to know"

Why is she being so sarcastic towards me right now....?? She never does that to me before, EVER! – Tiffany.

"so you're trying to fuck me before leaving me for 3 days or more"

Taeyeon shrugs her shoulders up coolly, "is what we both need"

Tiffany shakes her head in disbelief, getting off the bed, stepping away.
"if you hate me, hate my past, just tell me!" with that Tiffany slam the door close.


Tiffany cant stop crying, she feels pain in her heart, is actually burning a hole through the middle of her heart, until she feels a gentle tap on the shoulder, looking up, she's only relief to see Yuri standing in front of her.

"why is my bestie crying by the pool side alone?" Yuri bids a small smile.
Tiffany gets up from the bench, immediately crushing herself into Yuri's arms, as she cries out even more. Yuri soothes Tiffany to calm down by tapping her back gently, stroking up and down.
"shhhhh" Yuri hush tenderly by the side of Tiffany's ear.

That didn't soothe her, it didn't calm Tiffany down any at all, she still continues crying, sobbing and trembling uncontrollably.

"I swear Yuri, I love her so much...but how...how can she..." Tiffany shakes her head, not able to find herself to continue on.

"let me bring you somewhere to calm down-" but Yuri is cut off when Tiffany shakes her head.

Yuri hugs Tiffany by the waist, slowly start walking, holding Tiffany tightly and closely next to her not wanting the crying latter to fall or trip.
Tiffany didn't care, she just cant stop herself or her tears from coming out from her eyes, she cant. Every time she thinks about it, what happened earlier this morning, it hurts her even deeper, she still cant believe Taeyeon would act that way.

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