Chapter 50 | Old Faces

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"You know I know you're watching me, right?" Kuza asked as he looked at Angelo through his mirror.

Ange smiled and glanced down shyly, "I know."

Ryan scoffed, "Could you two either put up or shut up?"

Kuza leaned over the side of the makeup table and stared at him sitting on the other side. "Excuse me?"

"Either go public already so everyone has to digest your fluff, or keep it completely to yourselves. It's not fair that Ricky and I are the only ones that have to put up with your high school level flirting."

"Who put salt in your cereal this morning?" Ricky teased him.

He sighed, "Sorry. I know it's none of my business, but I just think you two have been together long enough to go public."

"I don't know how people will react. Other than you guys, Chris is the only one that knows. Even he was a little weird when he found out." Angelo said.

"If anyone has a problem with it, I'll kick their ass." Kuza replied, "We care a lot about each other and that's all that matters. If you want to go public, we can, but I'll respect you if you decide to keep it between us awhile longer."

Angelo pushed himself off the wall and walked over to his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around Kuza's neck from behind. "I mean, Ryan's right... We've been together long enough that I think it's safe to tell the others. Maybe we shouldn't make a big deal out of it though? Just, start being more affectionate in front of everyone. And if they ask, we'll tell them."

Kuza smiled softly as he looked at their reflection in the mirror. "We do make a very sexy couple."

He simply laughed and hid his face in Kuza's neck. The door to the backstage opened. For a moment, Angelo flinched out of instinct, but he reminded himself he didn't have to jump away anymore. Ashley and Nikki walked in to get ready for the night. Nikki jokingly made a fake gagging noise as he passed by the two love birds. Kuza offered him up his middle finger in response.

"I know I just said I'd kick anyone's ass who was an asshole about this, but I feel like Chris has put enough dents in Nikki's head already." He said.

"He has a harder head than you think." Ashley smirked as she rustled his hair, "Plus it's his own fault he does that shit to himself."

"It is not my fault that no one can accept good humor." Nikki retorted.

"Riiigghhtt." She teased him, then looked over at Angelo and Kuza, "So, how long has this been going on?"

Angelo stood up straight again and fixed his hair. He replied, "Almost two months."

Kuza wrapped his arm around his waist and yanked him closer. Angelo giggled and fell into his lap.

"It's gross, isn't it?" Ryan panned.

Ricky swatted his shoulder, "Would you stop?"

He snickered, "You know I'm kidding."

Everyone else continued to get ready as they went about their usually conversation. Angelo leaned down and kissed Kuza, not wanting to break apart from him. The world around them stopped when they were together. It was like no one else existed. Angelo was conscious enough to hear the door open, but didn't think much of it until he heard Devin's voice stop short in a sentence.

He raised his head to see she was staring rather distastefully at the couple. Angelo frowned and hid his face away as he wiped his mouth. Chris put his hand on the small of Devin's back and tried to guide her away towards her dressing area. She hit away his hand and shot him a dirty look for even trying to tell her what to do. Devin stomped away in the direction he was going to push her towards anyways.

Chris sighed to himself and walked over to the vanity the other two sat at. He leaned his hand on the top of it. "I take it you two are official now?" He asked.

"We have been for awhile. We just kept it private." Kuza replied, "What's up your girlfriend's ass about it? It's not like she's ever given a rat's ass about us."

"She doesn't like change. That's all. She'll adjust."

Angelo gently ran his hand across Kuza's shoulder as he stood up. He turned towards Chris, looking up his huge stature. "Are you doing okay? You don't look yourself."

He forced a smile, "I'm okay. My heart has just been fluttering a little today, but I'm sure it'll be gone by the show."

"Watch yourself, please." Angelo softly said.

"It's not your job to worry about me anymore."

"I will always worry. That's what you do when you love someone. Whether you like it or not, we are family, and we're in this for the long haul."

Chris smiled, about to respond, when the door opened yet again. He turned around to see who it was. Maria walked in, three familiar faces following.

"Guess who's in town and decided to pay us a visit?" She grinned.

The others were nothing but happy to see who had just walked in the door. Ashley was the first to shoot up and tackle Juliet with a hug. Nikki followed, greeting Andy in a much more manly way. However, Angelo was starting to feel his internal voice panic as he set eyes on Ronnie. Being the only one that truly knew the history between the two, Chris glanced back at Ange with concern.

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Mkay, guys. Comment some (creative) ideas! If I don't get enough that I can use, I'll be ending the story soon. A lot of you have been commenting really generic stuff like "more Sitkolson" ect but I'm looking for some more specific suggestions!

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