Chapter 2 | Warm Welcoming

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They were captivated by the woman that held up her Amazon title. That was, most of the carnies found her a marvel. Some simply saw her as useless and another body they'd have to lug from town to town.

"Like I said, we're full up. Why would we need another giant in our act, anyways?" Josh scoffed.

"Ignore him." Kuza stood up from the table, extending his hand, "He just hates new people. He'll get used to you. I'm Kuza. Sword swallower."

Devin smiled and daintily shook his hand, "Pleasure."

His eyes glistened as a crack of sunlight peaked through the tent. Kuza seemed enthralled with their newest addition. She was truly beautiful, and came off very softhearted.

"What exactly do you plan on her act being?" Ricky asked with some bitterness. "The show is long enough as is."

"I'm doubling up Balz and Kuza's acts to save time. Devin, will be singing." Manson responded.

"You might as well just throw a set of tits on Chris, because it's the same act." Balz retorted.

He growled, "That's enough of this behavior. I haven't had time to get a trailer for her yet... Angelo, would you mind sharing?"

The icy eyed angel replied gently, "Not at all. I'd be happy to have some company." Angelo stood up from the table and walked down it's length. He shook Devin's hand, "I'm Angelo. Fortune teller, and I draw up some of our posters. Ryan-Ashley draws some of them too. She's-" He turned around to point to her, only to find her seat empty.

"Balz got up and left while you were talking. She followed him to try to calm him down." Ryan replied.

Angelo sighed, "I'm sorry. Like Kuza said, he'll warm up. He's one of the oldest acts here and, well at some point I think hated almost everyone in this room." He ironically snickered.

"It's okay. I... I'm used to not being accepted." Devin sadly laughed, "There's no place really for someone like me... A freak."

"Believe it or not, there is a place for freaks, and you're standing in it." Chris beamed as he stood up from the table. Devin's eyes followed him, hypnotized by his presence. He continued, "Welcome home. Your new home, and hopefully your forever home. My name's Chris and," He smirked, "I don't think I have to tell you what makes me a freak. It's pretty obvious."

Devin slowly walked closer to Chris, looking up to his height. "Obvious, yes, but magnificent."

The sudden screech of a chair disrupted their moment of trance. Ricky scowled at the new girl as he got up. He walked angrily out of the tent. Chris watched him go, letting out a sigh. He looked back at the woman in front of him.

"Thank you for the compliment, Beautiful." He told her. "Maybe, down the line, you and I could do a duet. I bet you have a beautiful voice."

She blushed, "I haven't heard the worst about it, but not many people have heard me sing. Thank you though."

"She's just going to watch the show tonight. I want her to get a feel for the atmosphere of the show, but first thing tomorrow morning we're going to start working on it." Manson said.

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Angelo brought Devin to his trailer. It seemed to be large for a mere fortune teller. Maybe he had more value here than he lead on. It was no wonder now why Manson told Angelo he'd be the one to house Devin until he had his own place to stay. He still found himself ducking his head from the low ceiling.

"Sorry about that." Angelo grimaced, "Poor Chris, had his trailer custom made and he still can't stand straight up in his."

"It's okay. Nothing I'm not used to." She softly giggled. "He is a very handsome man."

He smirked, "You like him?"

Devin sat down on a cot by the window. Her neck once again could relax. She crossed her legs, blushing as she looked off. "A little bit. That's not to say I'd go after him. I don't chase men."

"This is an amazing place, full of amazing people, but I'm going to warn you now. One thing you have to get used to is there's a lot of sex. The people here are so used to being treated terribly, they have no filters. Their morals aren't always the best either, but they are good people." Angelo explained while warming up some water for tea on the stove.  

"I have no problem with that. I, um... I like sex, a lot." She smiled daringly.

He walked over to her, running a hand up her exposed leg, "You don't think that slit in your dress going all the way up didn't give it away?"

She bit her lip at his touch. Devin grabbed Angelo's wrist and moved his hand back to his side. "Before you go any further, you should probably get to know the truth about me. I don't want you to be laying with someone you don't exactly know."

"If you feel the need to get to know each other, maybe you're not the whore I took you for." He joked.

Devin shook her head, "Not like that. I didn't become a 6'4" woman because I'm a freak of nature. I was born a man and I had sex reassignment surgery and fake breasts. I consider myself all woman, but not everyone does."

The kettle began to whistle. Angelo hurried over to it, turning off the stove. He grabbed two mugs from the cupboard and threw tea bags into them. The hot water steamed as he poured it into each cup. He walked back over to the cot and handed one to Devin.

"Something Chris told me awhile ago, and it's so true; A dick might have an eye but it's blind. I don't care that you used to be a guy and trust me, no one here will. Fuck whoever you want in the camp, just promise you won't ever sleep with an outsider. We don't want to take chances that someone brings disease in."

"I have no desire to sleep with anyone that's not a freak, anyways. Normal people hate us and only ever use us." Devin muttered as he lifted the hot tea to his lips. "Have you and Chris slept together?"

He set his mug down on the counter. A look of amusement played at his features as he responded, "You've taken quite the interest in him. And, yes, we have. You're wondering about his cock, aren't you?"

"He's a giant. Of course I want to know if everything is of monstrous size." She admitted.

"Trust me," Angelo took a sharp breath as he ran his hand up Devin's thigh highs, "I saw the way he was looking at you today. You'll get a chance to experience his monster size soon. They treat him well around here for a reason. He's amazing in bed."

"They seem to treat you pretty good too." Devin replied just as Angelo pushed her legs apart.

A smirk met his lips, but he said nothing. Actions speak louder than words. He ran his hand up her dress, until it disappeared under the fabric. Suddenly Devin gasped, almost dropped the tea in her hands. She managed to slam the mug on the counter before doubling over in pleasure. Her hand desperately grabbed onto Angelo's shoulder and moans escalated out of her mouth.

"You are a whore." He murmured in her ear satisfactorily.

She smiled like the Devil, "Happy to be one. Oh, fuck, that's good."

Angelo laughed under his breath. "I think you'll fit in just fine here. You're so wet, Baby."

He nuzzled his lips against her jawline. She continued to gasp and moan in response to the pleasure he provided her. Angelo was more than right about her being wet. Devin was so aroused, her fluids were already running down his wrist. She was soaked and begging for him to continue.

"Oh, my... Fuck." She gasped as she threw her head back.

"Mmm, Baby, are you close?" He whispered to her, "I want to see how fast I can make you cum."

Devin attempted to nod but barely could. The pleasure overtook her and she almost screamed out her pleasure. She clung to Angelo as he caused her a much needed orgasm. Her body trembled as she rested back against the wall. A portion of her dress was now drenched with pussy juice. Angelo licked off the three fingers he'd used to pleasure her.

She panted, "I think I'm going to enjoy staying with you for awhile."

He snickered, "Good, because I like the way you taste. I've got to get to my tent. The midway will be opening soon. I trust you'll repay me for that after the show, tonight."

"Of course." Devin mused and pecked his lips.

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