Chapter 14 | Pity Party

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The hot wind blew lightly through the Texas fair grounds. It tugged at Ricky's hair as he rushed to catch up with Chris. It was difficult, when he had legs so long. Ricky grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hey, Chris, stop." He said.

He turned around and sighed, annoyed, "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I've been acting really immature lately." Ricky replied, "We're all supposed to be a family. Families don't do that shit to each other."

He scoffed as he stared off at the sky, "I wouldn't exactly use the word 'family' to describe our relationship. Unless you're into incest."

"You know what I mean, okay? We're supposed to be there for each other. Please, just accept my apology." He set his hand suggestively on Chris' arm, "Please, Chris. I really do mean it."

Chris stared back at him. He turned his body to face Ricky and hugged him as a way of saying he did accept.

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"Not used to seeing you wear color." Ronnie addressed Devin as he walked into the backstage area. A friend of his walked with him but he didn't recognize the man.

She barely gave him a glance, "Oh. You're still alive. What a shame."

Ashley, who sat on the other side of the vanity, laughed under her breath. She played with the stem of a cherry she had just eaten while she watched the entertainment.

He sighed, "I'm sorry. We got off on the wrong foot before. I was an asshole."

She set down her mascara and turned around to face him. Devin set her hands politely over her crossed legs that were wrapped tightly in a mermaid cut mint green skirt. Her eyes wondered just outside of the tent, where she saw Ricky and Chris talking. She couldn't hear them, but their suggestive body langue was enough to piss her off.

"It's fine." She spoke sourly, "After all, I was barely wearing anything when we first met. I can't expect a man to control themselves in that situation. I am serious about not having any interest in you though."

"That's alright. I'm just glad that you accepted my apology, because I'm convinced you cursed me yesterday. One of my lions acted out during the show today and I came way too fucking close to getting eaten."

His friend laughed, revealing a deep voice, "That's just because you're a dumbass."

"Dude, I'm serious. Sophia has never acted out before, then today she snapped at me." Ronnie responded.

"Hm, maybe Ange isn't the only one with spiritual abilities around here." Ash joked.

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned." Devin smirked.

His friend laughed, but Ronnie didn't find it all that funny. It was deadly and true.

"This is Andy, by the way." Ronnie said as he pointed to his friend. "He works on the midway as a professional scammer." He chuckled.

Andy tried to fight away his smile, but let a small one slip through, "Ripping people off is what keeps food in your mouth, prick."

"You two planning on sticking around to watch our set?" Devin asked.

"I don't see why not." Andy replied.

She opened her mouth to thank him, but jumped when she heard a crash from across the tent. Everyone's attention was drawn to the noise. Kuza stood behind Ryan, who had just knocked over a barrel in a fit of rage. He sighed and leaned down, putting the barrel up right and collecting what had fallen out of it. Ryan stormed out of the tent to go cool off.

Kuza saw the others staring. He pursed his lips and looked beyond them, outside the tent. Devin followed his line of sight, seeing Chris and Ricky outside. They had gotten even friendlier than before. Their lips were locked and arms wrapped around each other.

"Nikki," Ash called for him, "Can you please go interrupt that and tell Ricky we're on in a few minutes?"

He got up from where he was sitting and walked out there with no hesitation. Nikki had little to no fear when it came to people. Then again, most the freaks didn't have a fearful bone in their bodies. They learned how to have a tough skin for the way they are.

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With lights blinding her, Devin stepped out onto the stage. She leaned against the mic as the band started the song. This was the only place she could loose herself from the confusing thoughts consuming her.

"Did my invitations disappear? Why'd I put my heart on every cursive letter? Tell me why the hell no one is here. Tell me what to do to make it all feel better. Maybe it's a cruel joke on me. Whatever, whatever. Just means there's way more cake for me. Forever, forever

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to. I'll cry until the candles burn down this place. I'll cry until my pity party's in flames."

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Long after the show had ended and all the people were gone, the crew began to slowly pack up. Devin cautiously walked through the dirt in her heels. She found the carousel, which still had it's lights on. Grabbed onto one of the poles, she hoisted herself onto the platform. Ryan sat on one of the lover's seats of the ride.

"Blue isn't your color." She told him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He muttered.

"It means, some people wear sadness well. You're not one of them." Devin sat down next to him, crossing her legs like always. "I know it's none of my business, but I'm sorry Ricky keeps breaking your heart."

Ryan sighed, "Have you ever taken a piece of paper and ripped it in half? Then taken one of the halves and ripped that in half, then ripped that half in half and so on? Eventually the pieces get too small to be ripped anymore. That's where I'm at with Ricky."

"I saw him being a little friendly with you yesterday." She commented.

"The acrobats, dancers, and contortionists don't have their own trailers. Most of them are fine sleeping in tents, but Ricky is a drama queen. I let him sleep in my trailer with me. After he slept with you, I kicked him out. He was staying with Kuza for a few days, but got sick of it. So yesterday he was buttering up to me to try to get me to let him come back. I fell for it, like always."

"I'm sorry I slept with him in your bed, by the way." Devin replied, "He told me you wouldn't mind but... I should have minded my manners better than that."

"It's fine. I'd prefer you did it to me instead of Ange. He deserves better than this place."

"It's a real shame what Chris does to him." Devin stood back to her feet, "And it's just as bad, what Ricky does to you. I hope you don't let it fuck you up as much as Chris has fucked Angelo up. Love is destructive."

He scoffed, "You're tellin' me. Where are you off to?"

"I'm going to go back to Ange and I's trailer to change. Then I'm going to show Ricky that you don't steal from me." She responded spitefully.

Ryan leaned back and smirked, "Wish I could be a fly on the wall for that."

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