Chapter 10 | I'll Show You Heaven

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Devin sat herself down on a bench against the back window of Chris' trailer. She smiled softly as she ran her hand along the black satin throw pillow beside him. The place was decorated rather nice for being a bachelor's den. She sat with her legs crossed, minding her manners around the gentleman she had a bit of a crush on.

Chris walked back towards her and handed her a mug filled with chamomile tea. Just as he did, the trailer jolted back as the car pulling it began to drive. Chris involuntarily fell forward, catching himself on the back of the bench. His face landed an inch away from Devin's. She looked him in the eyes, captivated. Blushing, she glanced back away.

"Sorry about that." He said, standing back up and finding a seat next to her.

"It's alright. Thank you for the tea." She warmly smiled. "Your place is nice."

"The guy that made most of our trailers, he lives in Georgia. I'm sure you'll finally get your own once we stop through there." Chris set his hand on her exposed leg, "For now, I get to enjoy your company."

She took a drink, her lipstick marking the white cup. Devin slowly sat her glass down on the counter beside her and flickered her eyes in his direction. "I'm not sure which one of us will enjoy that more."

"I only enjoy it, if you do." He responded.

"We're still talking about my stay here, right?" She joked with a sweet little snicker.

Chris stood up and moved to the space next to her to be closer. He began to run his hand up and down her leg, "So, tell me, how have you liked it here so far?"

"Everyone has been extremely welcoming, to say the least." Devin said.

He narrowed his eyes, "Ricky was very welcoming, wasn't he?"

"He wasn't the first." She seethed.

"Hm, tell me?"

Devin took in a deep breath and seeped it back out. She picked up her tea and took a drink. As she set it back on the counter, she replied, "Within the first few hours I was here, Angelo hand his hand up my dress. He and I had nothing better to do during the drive to Arizona. The next day Nikki showed me a good time. And that night, well Ricky pretty much told me he was going to. I enjoyed it, nonetheless."

With one hand still on her knee, he began to run his other hand along her spine. "I've only ever known him as a bottom. How is he as a dominant?"

"He pleased me for hours. I cummed more times in those few hours than I have in the rest of my life combined. He also made my squirt for the first time, so I suppose he wasn't all that bad." She smirked.

"The quantity of an orgasm isn't as important as the quality. Of course, there's a fine balance between the two. Truly pleasing a woman is an art, that rough animals like him don't understand. The body has to be completely unraveled and relaxed." Chris brought bother his hands up to either side of her neck and began to rub her shoulders. With hands as big as his, it made her hum from pleasure. He smiled as he earned results so fast.

"Angelo told me you're amazing in bed. I can understand why." She softly told him.

He spoke gently in her ear with his deep voice, "Most men only care about having a hole to fuck. I find that sex is much more enjoyable if my partner is enjoying it too. I've put a lot of time into learning how to pleasure a woman as much as I possibly can."

"Mmm, is that right?" She mused as he continued to massage down her body.

"Mhm," He responded, "Stimulation is key. Touching your body slowly like this, releasing all the tension, and whispering in your ear, I can bet you have your panties soaked already."

She slowly bit her lip, "I'm not wearing any."

Chris rested his face close to her with a smile, "My kind of woman. You are truly beautiful, and I'd like to show you just how beautiful you are. Ricky only wanted to use you, and he used cheap tricks to make you think you were being pleased."

Devin drew in a breath as his palms went up her back. "I seemed to enjoy those cheap tricks."

"They are nothing compared to what I'm going to do to you. When a man cums, it's boring and once we do, we have to wait hours until we can again. A woman though, your body has so many different options to make you orgasm and you can do it over and over again without any wait." He set his hand on her knee, "May I?" He asked, and Devin uncrossed her legs. Chris ran his hand up her thigh until it disappeared under the skirt of her dress.

"A woman can experience two kinds of orgasms. The first comes from stimulating the clitoris." He gently massaged her over that area, making her close her eyes in pleasure, "And the second comes from stimulating the G-spot." Chris' hand traveled lower between her legs. He smiled when he felt how wet she was. Slipping one finger insider her, he began to please her more. "That one can be a little more powerful. If a man truly knows what he's doing though, he knows how to give a woman the ultimate orgasm by making her climax from stimulating both. Now that, that is an orgasm you will not forget."

Chris pulled his hands back out from between her legs. He returned to rubbing her body to cause her to relax as much as possible. Devin looked to him with pleading eyes.

"Show me?" She whispered.

He smiled, "I would love nothing more. First, I need to learn the rhythm of your body. I need to know how fast you will climax from the separate stimulation of both. Then I'll make you have the best orgasm you've ever felt in your life."

"It doesn't matter what you do to me. You'll still please me amazingly. One of your fingers is bigger than the cocks of some of the guys I've been with. How do you not have women lining up for you?"

He laughed lightheartedly, "Who says I don't? We have a rule in camp. You don't associate with outsiders. But, let's not talk about that, Gorgeous. Why don't we move this back to the bedroom?"

Devin wordlessly stood up and began to walk to the back. Chris watched her as she went. Her heels clicked along the floor. Once she reached the bedroom, which was slightly raised from the rest of the trailer, she stopped in the doorway. He stared curiously. Devin turned around, resting her hands on the doorframe.

She smiled to herself and reached behind her back. Unclasping the back of her dress, she caused it to pop open. Devin grabbed her breasts as to not let the dress fall off of them just yet. Slowly, she pulled down the lace arms of her dress. She then let the rest fall to the ground, revealing her amazon body. All that remained on her body was her heels.

Chris approached her timidly like a tiger. He set her hands on her small waist and looked over the amazing beauty she possessed.

"I'm not even sure you're of this earth. That's how gorgeous you are." He whispered to her.

She bashfully smiled, "Maybe, we both come from the same alien planet. Show me all the tricks you can't show on that stage."

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