Chapter 47 | So Close

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Angelo rested comfortably in Kuza's lap, facing him as they kissed passionately. Kuza ran his hand up the back of his shirt slowly. Ange pulled back from his lips and lowered his head.

"Sorry." He murmured and retracted his hand.

"No, it's okay." Angelo responded, "I was just thinking. It has been more than a month, actually. And, I don't know... I kind of like the way things are going without sex, but at the same time I care about you enough that I want to share myself with you."

Kuza paused a moment and took in the details of his face. He gently moved a stay lock of hair out of the way of his blue eyes and smiled softly, "You know, I have a similar dilemma. I want to listen to your sexy voice, but at the same time I just want to get lost in your eyes."

He blushed and resisted giggling like a schoolgirl. "I'm serious."

"I know, I'm sorry. I'll go along with whatever makes you happy, because I love the way you glow when you're happy." He said, "Of course, we could always meet halfway, if you're too conflicted."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," Kuza brushed Ange's hair over his shoulder. He leaned in and kissed his neck, looking up at him cautiously, "We can always do a little foreplay without having sex."

"Hm, I suppose. Depends what your definition of foreplay is."

He playfully tapped his fingertips along Angelo's arm just to get him to smile. "Well, I would say touching, kissing... Licking. Shirts and pants coming off, maybe oral if you're willing."

"You've already seen me without my shirt or pants." He snickered, "And blowjobs and rimjobs, that's for another night, but I wouldn't mind a little of that touching and kissing... And licking." He smirked.

Kuza grinned wholeheartedly, "Stop me if you feel uncomfortable, okay?"

Angelo nodded and hoped this went okay. He was worried about sex ruining things, because it always does. His heart had grown rather attached to Kuza though, and he trusted him plenty. Kuza pulled off his own shirt. Angelo had seen him shirtless plenty of times, but it was still a sight to behold. He bit his lip and suppressed a moan.

Slowly, Kuza started to pull up Angelo's shirt. He looked to him to make sure he was okay. Angelo let him keep going and eventually took it off himself. Kuza flipped his hair out of the way and began to kiss down his partner's chest. He circled his tongue around Angelo's nipple, making him softly moan. Those moans then gained a little volume as Kuza started to palm him through his jeans.

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"Babe, do you have any-"

"Shhh," Ryan cut Ricky off.

Ricky stood in the doorway to their bathroom, confused, as he watched his boyfriend listening to the wall. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to hear if those two are actually finally having sex." He responded.

"No way. Mike is way rougher than that." He chuckled, referring to the lack of slamming or yelling. Ricky walked over to the wall and pressed his ear against it. He heard very minor moans that stopped moments afterward. "It was just some messing around."

"How are you so sure?" Ryan asked.

"I slept with Mike for like a year. I know what he sounds like when he has sex." He laughed, "The apocalypse is going to hit before those two finally sleep together... And yes, I know how hypocritical that is."

Ryan kissed the side of his head, "But I'll wait for you. You're worth it. Anyways, what were you going to ask me for?"

"I forgot now... OH! Soap. I'm going to take a shower but I think I'm out."

"I could get you clean just fine." He smirked and wrapped his arms around his waist.

Ricky giggled, trying to push him back. "Noooo, you would make me more dirty."

"What's wrong with that?" He joked. Ryan smiled out of bliss to see Ricky laughing uncontrollably. "I'm out too, weirdo. I'll go grab you some supply closet."

"Thanks, weirdo." He teased.

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Devin sighed and fell onto the bed. She stared up at the ceiling, waiting on Chris to notice her. When he didn't, she sighed again. He set down his newspaper and looked down at her.

"May I help you?" He asked.

"I'm bored." She pouted. Devin rolled over on her stomach and pulled her legs up on the bed. "I want to plaaayyy."

"Get over here and help me get my pants off, then." He joked.

"Hm," She smiled and sat up, "The thing is... I kind of want a few people to play with..."

"You want a threesome?" Chris asked. Wordlessly, she nodded and he sighed, "If you can find someone, by all means."

"That won't be a problem." She happily replied.

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With a cigarette hanging out of his mouth and no shirt on, Nikki opened his door. He saw the towering vixen in front of him. She was wearing a robe, but it was easy to see there was little underneath.

"To what do I owe the pleasure?" He asked.

"It's been a really long time since I've gotten to have a threesome, so I was wondering if you would join Chris and I tonight?"

He glanced back into his room, presumably at Ashley. Then he looked forward at Devin. "I just spent my load for the night, but I'd be happy to join you tomorrow."

She whined, "That's not fair."

"Sorry, Doll. If you're so dead set on it, Ashley's still got a little kick left in her tonight."

Devin leaned to the side to see past Nikki. Ashley sat up on the bed, of course looking as hot as ever. Devin smirked, seeing an opportunity too good to pass up.

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