"Where will we have the photoshoot?" I asked Jonas.

"Follow me." Jonas said.

Me and Finn nodded and follow him who lead us. We entered the lift and Jonas press button 3. Wow we will have another place for photoshoot. I really can wait for that.

We walked out from the lift and Kurt also some people with camera already waiting for us. I frowned. Kurt changed his clothes?

"You changed your clothes?" I frowned at Kurt.

"Your dress is designed by me so everytime someone use my dress for photoshoot. I have to be handsome because at the end they will take a picture of me." Kurt smirked at me.

"So the technic is like this. Emily hold Finn's elbow with holding your flower then you enter that gate. Finn opened the gate with his right hand okay. There will be some camera around you both. This photoshoot for promo Kurt's dress and wedding theme so make it best." Jonas said to us.

"Mr. Altberg two minutes!" A guy with a microphone said to Jonas.

"Okay it's two minutes. We also make live podcast for our channel so please make it the best. Me and Kurt will help you both from another gate okay. Enter the gate when this guy say now!" Jonas said and walked off with Kurt.

I turned my face at Finn and he is smiling at me. "We are getting married, Finn. I'm your bride now. Even it's just a photoshoot." I chuckled.

"Yes, I didnt break my promises right? I'm your groom now." Finn smiled at me.

"I'm little bit nervous and hungry actually." I said to Finn.

"You are the princess of today." Finn smirked at me.

"Ms. Hudson and Mr. Hudson get ready! Hold the groom's elbow. Take a deep breath and now!" A man directed us.

I take a deep breath. I hold Finn's elbow with my right hand as my left hand holding the flower. We walked closer to the gate. Finn hold the door knob with his right hand. Some crew help us to opened the gate. We walked closer and closer until the gate is finally opened and...

I gasped about what I see. Many people are standing as we opened the gate. I turned my face at Finn and he just smirked at me. Finn is trying to walked but I stop my way. He turned my face at me and showed me his hand to lead me until I saw Sam is standing on the altar and smiling at me.

Is this kind of surprise wedding? God am I dreaming? I pinch my hand and no it hurts and it's means I'm not dreaming. Until Blaine come to me and music is begin.

New Directions:
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

Blaine (New Directions):
(Love) There's nothing you can do that can't be done
(Love) Nothing you can sing that can't be sung
(Love) Nothing you can say, but you can learn
How to play the game,

Blaine with New Directions:
It's easy

Blaine (New Directions):
(Love) Nothing you can make that can't be made
(Love) No one you can save that can't be saved
(Love) Nothing you can do, but you can learn
How to be you in time
It's easy (Love)

Blaine with New Directions:
All you need is love
All you need is love
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

New Directions:
Love, love, love
Love, love, love
Love, love, love

Blaine with New Directions:
All you need is love,
All you need is love,
All you need is love, love
Love is all you need

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