Blood on the Tardis- The SEQUEL chapter

Start from the beginning

Eventually, the Doctor noticed something was off. He had been conversing with some of the local beach-goers, so he had only looked back occasionally and had figured i as still asleep. He came over to check on me.

"Ah, good morning! Or, good afternoon, I guess. Did you have a nice nap?"

I groaned in response. "Well, I suppose that's a no." My face must've been a dead stare, eyelids drooped and mouth frowning. "Is something wrong?"

"Cramps." I barely got out.

"Cramps? Where?" He looked almost startled now. I suppose he was going into safety mode, possibly worried that I was getting some illness from the new place.

I pointed to my lower stomach. "It's the usual."

He furrowed his brow, confused for a moment, then remembered. "Oh. Menstruation stuff."

I nodded, rolling my eyes.

"Let's get you back to the TARDIS, then. The beach is no fun if you're sitting here miserable."

"I don't want to move," I groaned.

"But can you, that's the question," he asked, his eyes sympathetic. "I'm going to have the TARDIS land closer to here, just behind the trees. Will you be able to go that distance?"

I nodded. If I could attend school and go to work all this time while suffering from women's monthly hells, I can walk off a damn beach.

The TARDIS appeared a few minutes later. The Doctor held out a hand to help me to my feet, and used his other hand to pick up my beach gear: towel, hat, bag [book, camera, sunscreen, etc].

"I can carry the bag," I offered, my voice monotonous due to the pain.

He shook his head. "I've got it. You're in pain."

"I've been through it before," I muttered, although thankful for his kindness.

"I know. And that's why I'm helping you. Because women have to go through this all the time, so us menfolk need to help at every once in a while!"

I snickered. "Did you just say 'us menfolk?'"

He looked at me out of the corner of his eye, smirking. "Don't mock me when I'm holding you up, (Y/N)."

I tightened my arm around his shoulders. "You wouldn't dare drop me, you coward."

I let go of him as we walked into the TARDIS, lovingly eyeing the jump seat as I plopped down. I let out a sigh.

"Why is it always the perfect temperature in here?" I asked, enjoying the cool air after the humidity of the beach.

"I'm an alien, not a savage. I've got central air conditioning," said the Doctor. He pulled down a lever and the TARDIS was sent off.

"I'm having the TARDIS float for a while," he sat next to me, and gave me a sympathetic smile. "What can I do for you?"

"I think I just need to lay down."

He nodded. "Of course. You know what? You're at Hotel TARDIS now. Which means—" he picked me up from my seat gently, although it did take me by surprise— "You don't go to your room, your room goes to you!"

I laughed. "You're seriously just gonna carry me? And bridal style I might add?" I felt myself blush a little.

"Yep," he said, grinning as he began walking. "You're in pain. It's only polite."

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