Familiar Faces

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Marinette sat holding the cat in her arms while she slept. She hadn't noticed the transformation has worn off, and neither did Adrien. The boy snuggled up against Marinette, his bare hands holding her arm close to his chest while he slept peacefully.

Marinette awoke to the strange feeling of skin touching hers. It couldn't be Chat, his gloves are leather. She startled awake and frantically looked around until her eyes landed on a certain model snuggled up again her. Her eyes widened as she studied the boy who slept in her lap. Oh god. Adrien is Chat. Jesus Christ I'm an idiot! It was so obvious just kill me oh my god.

She panicked. "Oh my god.." She mumbled under her breath. There was a returned mumble from the boy, clearly trying to sleep. "Hush, Princess.." He groaned as he pulled her arm over his eyes so he didn't have to wake up. And that's when he realized he was in his civilian form. "Fuck.." He mumbled as he lifted her arm off his eyes to see a surprisingly calm looking Marinette. "Sup?" He awkwardly asked as he chuckled nervously.

"I know what this looks like!" Marinette rolled her eyes, "Well it looks like, you're Chat Noir." Adrien thought for a moment. "Well, then it is what it looks like." He sighed and looked down.

"Explain yourself." The girl spoke softly, she seemed almost broken. "Marinette.. I started really liking you a while back and I wanted to get to know you more without being awkward.." He blushed as he admitted his crush. "I-I always felt you didn't like me because of you running off when you saw me.." He mumbled softly into his hands as he covered his blushing face.

He peeked through his fingers to see Marinette's facial expression soften. "I love you." She mumbled under her breath, almost out of hearing. She paused for a moment. "Adrien, I love you." She spoke clearly this time, and there was no mistake in her meaning. "I always have loved the sweet Adrien I see at school, but I've also loved the punny and flirty Chat Noir I see every night." She smiled softly at him, a light blush painting itself across her cheeks.

Adrien pulled his hands away form his face and looked at her in awe, "I... I didn't think you liked me..?" Marinette giggled softly with a bright red blush, "W-well.. Uh.. The only reason why I ran off was because I actually have a huge crush on you..." She admitted her feelings to the boy who carefully listened.

"But-" she was silenced by a kiss. The boy was now on top of her and his lips were pressed against her's. She melted instantly into the warm and passionate kiss. The two both never wanted to pull away. Adrien pulled away softly, leaving Marinette lovestruck and in a daze.

Adrien quickly transformed while she still was processing the kiss and went to slide out the window. "See you later prince-" he was cut off by a familiar scream.. One he hadn't heard in a long time.


//You guys probably hate me right now xD ahaha have fun with this cliffhanger!!

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